Agenda item - Minutes & Actions of the Previous Meeting
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Agenda item
Minutes & Actions of the Previous Meeting
- 18:05
- 10 Minutes
- Chair lead item
- Minutes of the meeting held on 11.06.24 (copy attached).
2.1 RESOLVED: The minutes were agreed unanimously by the panel as an accurate record of the previous meeting.
2.2 Residents noted that they had been inconvenienced by the circulation of the agenda and papers ahead of the panel. The Clerk duly noted this and assured the panel that the situation would be resolved.
2.3 NAO1 – Regarding CCTV works on the Bates Estate. Residents confirmed that this was ongoing, and no action had been taken at the time of the meeting. Chloe Mclaughlin (CM) confirmed that they had visited the area and explained the logistics process for the implementation of measures requested. Detailing short term measures (CCTV) as well as longer term measures & environmental enforcement still under consideration. Bates Estates representatives underlined seriousness of issue and gave several examples, CM confirmed that a ‘hotspot’ had been identified by officers and measures were being actively considered, the officer provided a period for implementation of December/January. Recorded as ongoing.
2.4 NAO2 – Regarding ascertaining the responsibility for blocked drains/gulleys in Hollingdean. Ian Beck (IB) detailed the actions taken by the authority in regard to the issue, noting that they had worked with Cllr Fowler on the issue with 24 of the 26 notable blockages in the area being reported as cleared. IB also noted that the blockages on the corner of Davey Drive and Upper Hollingdean Road were not resolved and was contributing to flooding in Lewes Road. Grant Ritchie (GR) explained that there were no in-house drainage teams for housing and the Repair & Maintenance teams tried to tackle them where they were able to. GR also explained that the jurisdiction for the drains and gulleys often fell to Highways. IB confirmed that this had been reported to highways with no adequate response. Justine Harris (JH) confirmed they would follow this up with officers. Recorded as ongoing.
2.5 NAO3 – Regarding grass cutting and overgrowth management in Hollingdean. IB detailed a major issue, noting it had been raised repeatedly in resident only meanings, regarding the frequency of operations to tackle overgrowth as well as the inadequate clean up of debris and overgrowth cuttings left over from management. It was noted that this was causing mobility issues for residents, especially the elderly and vulnerable. Two specific trees in the area were noted as particularly dangerous, one behind Blocks’ 1-6 Southmont which was endangering power lines and another on Tavistock Down. Officers confirmed that they would follow this up with the arboriculture team.
2.6 Desmond Jones (DJ) noted several issues regarding overgrowth and requested clarification from officers on the responsibility for overgrowth. Chloe Mclaughlin (CM) confirmed the responsibility was with Robert Walker (RW) (Head of CityParks) and also informed the panel that personnel from CM’s team (Housing Estates Management) were often seconded to support CityParks. CM also confirmed overgrowth complaints had been noted and requested in future that residents contact the officer directly with regard to the issue. Recorded as ongoing.
2.7 NAO4 – Regarding outstanding works at the Coldean Youth Club. Heather Hayes (HH) informed the panel that the ‘Community Corner’ had closed and stated it was their intention for the issue to not persist further. Sam Nolan (SN) (confirmed that they would follow up, Keely McDonald (KM) confirmed they were in contact with the Coldean Youth Club and discussions were ongoing regarding the finances for heating which had been earmarked and the general operation of the community space. Recorded as ongoing.
2.8 NA1 – Regarding overgrowth management and amenities maintenance policies. CM gave a verbal brief in response to the item, and it was agreed as complete.
2.9 NA2 – Regarding the provision of information to Cllr Hill regarding the safety of temporary and emergency accommodation. JH confirmed that they had circulated the relevant information, and it was agreed as complete.
2.10 NA3 – Regarding the provision of information to N-HAP Residents regarding the installation of windows. Donna James raised a query regarding leaseholder payment and requested further information. Geof Gage (GG) noted that the consultation had potentially not taken place yet and confirmed they would follow up with further information.
2.11 Mitch Watkinson (MW) raised a query regarding lack of agricultural management by those undertaking works (external contractors), often leading to damaged gardens which residents had invested time and money in. GR confirmed and made note, Selsfield Drive, Hawkridge, Bates Estate.
Supporting documents:
- North Area Actions from Area Panel meeting 11.06.24, item 2. PDF 317 KB View as HTML (2./1) 40 KB
- N-HAP 11.06 Minutes complete, item 2. PDF 218 KB View as HTML (2./2) 33 KB