Agenda item - Resident Engagement High Rise

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Agenda item

Resident Engagement High Rise

-       18:55

-       10 Minutes

-       Justine Harris (Head of Tenancy Services) lead item


8  RESIDENT ENGAGEMENT HIGH RISE                                                                  55 – 70


8.1 GG provided a verbal briefing on the item as per included in the agenda papers.


8.2 DJ requested further circulation of documents to the Resident’s Associations, GG confirmed they would follow this up, also noted that item in agenda was a draft and not the final document.


8.3 Cllr Mackey raised a query regarding engagement with those who were not as literate or able to access the information online, GG confirmed the circulation would take place in multiple languages and outlined other measures taken to ensure engagement with all those necessary.


8.4 HH raised a query regarding materials used in internal works and their safety, DJ confirmed asbestos tests had been undertaken but none was found there, officers confirmed safety of construction materials. IB raised a query regarding the Grenfell tragedy, asking the panel if there were buildings with the same ACM cladding, GG confirmed this was not the case in BHCC properties.


8.4 Jim Hornsby (JimH) raised points regarding Mimosa Court, providing context on roof replacement, a major works undertaken on the building in the last few years and noted that as a result an observation window was bricked up. Preventing residents from being able to ascertain blockages on the roof. JimH detailed that in their understanding of the process, inspection should have been made by end of last month. However there had been no acknowledgement of this and further noted the ideal time would be after leaf fall in year. JimH requested action on confirmation, GR confirmed that this could take place. JimH requested to be informed at next North Area Panel on the progress of the issue.


8.5 JimH raised points regarding an outstanding EDB bid since 2021 for Mimosa Court, concerning improving the cosmetics of the surrounding area. They noted their disquiet at the lack of in dept information provided to residents in the answers. GR confirmed that social value element of contract still stands, the officer confirmed they would discuss with KM regarding contribution from authority on residents undertaking work themselves. IB confirmed that they would raise the issue at the EDB meeting at HTH.


8.6 Cllr RH noted regarding fire safety, confirmed no ‘Grenfell’ ACM cladding in authority and noted also that ESFRS had specialised training and capabilities to tackle similar incidents in high rise social housing


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