Agenda item - Devils Dyke Hotel
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Agenda item
Devils Dyke Hotel
1) Cabinet agrees to the surrender of the current lease and grant of a new commercial lease of the Devils Dyke Hotel in accordance with the terms set out in part 2 of this agenda.
2) Cabinet delegates authority to the Corporate Director City Services in consultation with the Assistant Director Legal and Democratic Services to finalise the terms and take the necessary steps to complete the transaction.
86.1 Cabinet considered a report that sought approval to the surrender of the current lease and grant of a new commercial lease of the Devils Dyke Hotel.
86.2 Councillors Robinson, Taylor, Robins, Rowkins and Sankey asked questions and contributed to the debate of the report.
86.3 Resolved-
1) Cabinet agrees to the surrender of the current lease and grant of a new commercial lease of the Devils Dyke Hotel in accordance with the terms set out in part 2 of this agenda.
2) Cabinet delegates authority to the Corporate Director City Services in consultation with the Assistant Director Legal and Democratic Services to finalise the terms and take the necessary steps to complete the transaction.
Supporting documents:
Devils Dyke Hotel, item 86.
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Devils Dyke Hotel APX. n 1, item 86.