Agenda item - To consider and determine planning applications
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Agenda item
To consider and determine planning applications
Please note that the published order of the agenda may be changed; major applications are usually heard first; however, the order of the minor applications may be amended to allow those applications with registered speakers to be heard first.
Public Speakers Note: Any persons wishing to speak at a meeting of the Planning Committee shall give written notice of their intention to do so to the Democratic Services Officer 4 working days before the meeting (the Committee usually meet on a Wednesday, which means the notice has to be received by 12 noon the preceding Thursday).
To register to speak please email Democratic Services at: (Speakers are allocated a strict 3 minutes to address the committee. If more than one person wishes to speak, the 3 minutes will need to be shared, or one person may be elected by communal consent to speak for all).
33.1 All items were called, with exception of Item D, BH2024/00673 – 214 Preston Road, Brighton which was agreed as per the recommendations set out in the report.
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