Agenda item - BH2021/04167 - Brighton Gasworks Land Bounded by Roedean Road (B2066), Marina Way and Boundary Road, Brighton - Part Two
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Agenda item
BH2021/04167 - Brighton Gasworks Land Bounded by Roedean Road (B2066), Marina Way and Boundary Road, Brighton - Part Two
- Meeting of Planning Committee, Wednesday, 4th December, 2024 2.00pm (Item 45.)
- View the reasons why item 45. is restricted
In accordance with the
provisions of the Local Government Act 1972, Section 100A(2) and
(4), and Schedule 12A, Paragraph 5, it is recommended that the
public shall be excluded from the meeting during the consideration
of agenda item 45.
The exclusion is due to the nature of the business to be transacted
and the proceedings under agenda item 45, which are likely to
involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined under
Schedule 12A, Paragraph 5 of the Local Government Act 1972. The
exempt information pertains to legal advice, and its disclosure to
the public is not in the public interest.