Agenda item - Equalities Review of Taxi Licensing Service

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Agenda item

Equalities Review of Taxi Licensing Service

Report of the Director of Environment (copy attached).


Contact Officer: Jean Cranford            Tel: 29-2550

Wards Affected: All


7.1       The Committee considered a report of the Director of Environment which sought to review the effectiveness of Hackney and Private Hire services in meeting the needs of residents, particularly those with disabilities and to seek the Committees’ recommendations for actions to address adverse impact and or to promote equality.


7.2       The Legal Adviser to the Committee explained that a letter had been received from lawyers acting on behalf of the trade referring to the consultation period stating that it had been insufficient and that further consultation was required. The Council’s own legal advice was in agreement and therefore the Committee were asked to note the report before them, a further report would be submitted to their November meeting following the consultation process.


7.3       The Chairman welcomed the report and thanked the equalities officers for their work which she considered would strengthen services and help to eliminate discrimination and promote positive attitudes towards disabled people. The report underlined the Council’s commitment to equalities and the need to promote equality. The priority placed by the Brighton & Hove Federation of Disabled People on transport and why it was crucial for disabled people to have confidence in local operators was recognised.


7.4       The Access Manager (Disabilities and Diversity) introduced the report and stated that not withstanding that the start date for the Equalities Act had been postponed officers would continue to work with the Federation of Disabled People and the trade (through the Taxi Forum) to increase the number of Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles (WAV’s) and to reduce the discrepancy in waiting times for passengers requiring such vehicles.


7.5       Councillor Kitcat enquired whether if, consideration of the report was deferred that day the same report would be submitted to the net scheduled meeting of the Committee or whether it would be re-written and updated, he considered that the gap between meetings was too great and that they should be held more frequently. The Head of Environmental Health and Licensing confirmed that the re-submitted report would be amended/updated to incorporate input received from the extended consultation. Councillor Kitcat stated that it was vital Members were afforded the opportunity to provide feedback.


7.6       Councillor West considered it was important that Members were also afforded the opportunity to facilitate the process by attending Taxi Forum meetings, the other main parties on the Council had representation on this body, he had previously requested that a “green” representative be invited to attend these meetings. He was now reiterating this request. The Head of Environmental Health and Licensing explained that this body (representing the taxi trade in Brighton and Hove) was totally separate from the Council and had its own constitution, the Chairman and Deputy Chairman received invitations to attend these meetings direct from the Forum.


7.7       Councillor Simson stressed that it was important to get this “right” without building in any undue delay. She considered it would be appropriate to convene a special meeting of the Committee in order to determine this matter in advance of the next scheduled meeting of the Committee.


7.8       Following further discussion the Chairman sought the Committees’ agreement that a further special meeting of the Committee be held following completion of the further consultation process.


7.9       A vote was taken and Members voted unanimously that a further special meeting of the Committee be held.


7.10    RESOLVED - That the content of the report be noted and that the Committee reconvene for a special meeting to consider and approve recommendations as soon as practicable following completion of the current extended consultation process but no later than 10 September 2010.

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