Agenda item - South Downs National Park Authority - Delegation of Development Control Function to Constituent Authorities
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Agenda item
South Downs National Park Authority - Delegation of Development Control Function to Constituent Authorities
Extract from the proceedings of the Governance Committee meeting held on the 13th July 2010, together with a report of the Director of Environment (copies attached).
(1) That the scheme of delegation agreed by the SDNPA, the draft Joint Working Agreement under Section 101 of the Local Government Act 1972 and the draft funding proposals be noted;
(2) That the delegation of development control functions from the SDNPA to the Council on the temporary basis proposed, subject to any review be agreed; and
(3) That the Head of Law be instructed to make any necessary amendments to the Constitution to reflect the interim delegation to the Council of SDNPA development control powers.
Supporting documents:
Item 17 ( A). Extract from Governance for Full Council - SDNP, item 17a
PDF 44 KB View as HTML (17a/1) 38 KB
Item 17 (A). South Downs National Park Authority Delegation of Development control function to constituent authorities 2, item 17a
PDF 91 KB View as HTML (17a/2) 84 KB
Item 17 (A). - SDNP- Planning services Legal Agreement Appendix 1, item 17a
PDF 240 KB View as HTML (17a/3) 74 KB
Item 17( A). - SDNPA 14 Draft funding proposal - Appendix 2, item 17a
PDF 59 KB View as HTML (17a/4) 28 KB
Item 17 (A). - SDNP offerDraft SchemeofDelegationSDNP (2), item 17a
PDF 107 KB View as HTML (17a/5) 96 KB