Agenda item - Petitions:Swing Signs in Upper North Street

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Agenda item

Petitions:Swing Signs in Upper North Street

Report of the Strategic Director of Resources (copy attached)


18.1    The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director of Resources setting out details of a petition received from 6 businesses located in Upper North Street requesting that they be permitted to retain their existing swing signs advertising the location of their businesses.


18.2       Mr. Davis spoke on behalf of the petitioners reiterating the points set out in their petition stressing that any flexibility the Council might be able to exercise in relation to its policies in these difficult financial times would be appreciated.


18.3       The Chairman, Councillor Cobb referred to the existing policy which had been approved by the Committee and implemented on its behalf. This policy had taken account of the need to avoid unnecessary on-street clutter and obstructions which could prove hazardous to those who had physical and visual impairments.


18.4       Councillor Older sought clarification of the location of the premises. Mr Davis confirmed that his business was located at 33 Upper North Street and that the swing sign advertising it was located at the corner of Regent Hill. The street on which his business was located was largely residential with narrow pavements and he needed to advertise where it was. Councillor Simson stated that she was aware that permission to locate signs had been denied where they were situated at some distance from a premises and could not be easily managed by their proprietors.


18.5       Councillor Hawkes sought clarification of the existing policy and Mr Fisher--- explained that A Boards and other free standing signage must be located within 5 metres of the business that it was advertising. The signs referred to by the businesses who had petitioned were unlicensed and unlicensable under the agreed policies.


18.6       Councillor Older stated that she believed that exceptions were made in respect of signage placed in twittens and alleyways. Whilst supporting the general principles agreed by the policy Councillor Lepper stated that she considered that it was appropriate to make exceptions or to apply the policy more flexibility in some areas of the City.


18.7       Following further discussion it was agreed that it would be appropriate for a report to be brought to the next scheduled meeting of the Committee in order to ascertain whether it might be possible to apply the Council’s policies more flexibility in roads away  from the city’s main thoroughfares.


18.8       RESOLVED – That the content of the petition be noted and that a report examining this issue further be brought back to the next scheduled meeting of the Committee.



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