Agenda item - Minutes of the previous meeting

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Agenda item

Minutes of the previous meeting

Minutes of the meeting held on 15 December 2010 (copy attached).


187.1        RESOLVED – That the Chairman be authorised to sign the minutes of the meeting held on 15 December 2010 as a correct record with the following amendment to item D application BH2009/03105, Medina House, Kings Esplanade, paragraph 2:


The Planning Officer, Mr Everest introduced the application and presented plans and elevational drawings. He stated that the building was locally listed and contained features of historical interest. Its last use was B1 light industrial and there had been no evidence submitted to demonstrate that this should be changed, or that the building was beyond economic repair. The application would provide parking for 9 vehicles and include a two storey restaurant. There were no objections on transport grounds.


At 9 storeys the building would be viewed as a tall building. The Medina House site was not though in an area identified as where tall buildings may be acceptable, and adopted guidance stated that conservation areas are not generally suitable for tall buildings. However, existing seafront development adjoining the site comprised tall buildings, so on this basis there was some justification for a building of the scale proposed.


The development would be highly visible from adjoining properties and would impact on loss of light however, which would fall below recommended levels. It was recommended that both planning permission and Conservation Area Consent be refused.

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