Agenda item - Sex Establishment and Sex Entertainment Venue Licence Fees 2011/2012
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Agenda item
Sex Establishment and Sex Entertainment Venue Licence Fees 2011/2012
Report of the Head of Planning and Public Protection (copy attached)
31.1 The Committee considered a report of the Head of Planning and Public Protection providing further information relating to licence fees and charges for 2011/12 relating to Sex Establishments and Sex Entertainment Venues as requested by Committee at its previous meeting.
31.2 Councillor Kitcat welcomed the report stating that he recognised that the approach used was the most reasonable possible in the current economic climate. He considered that some elements seemed unfair but that little could be done via the Committee or in view of the current deficit.
31.3 Councillor Cobb, the Chairman stated that the report before the Committee had been the result of a lot of hard work. Councillor C Theobald also welcomed the report stating that it was clear that cost of administration and enforcement were high.
31.4 RESOLVED - That the Committee note the content of the report.
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