Agenda item - Equality Act 2010 List of Designated Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles

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Agenda item

Equality Act 2010 List of Designated Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles

Report of the Head of Planning and Public Protection (copy attached)


29.1    The Committee considered a report of the Head of Planning and Public Protection seeking approval that the Council should maintain a list of designed vehicles for the purpose of the Equality Act 2010.


29.2    The Licensing Manager stated that the only sensitivity was that some hackney carriage proprietors had vehicle licences which contained a condition requiring wheelchair accessibility and some had provided wheelchair accessible vehicles by choice. If any issues or unforeseen difficulties arose in relation to adopting an inclusive list officers might need to report back to the Committee.


29.3    Councillor Cobb, the Chairman commended the report which represented a lot of hard work by officers. Councillor Kitcat also welcomed the report stating that he hoped the list would be well publicised. Although the list of designated vehicles would have no actual effect in law until the duties were commenced this represented the correct approach. Councillor C Theobald also welcomed the report noting that the costs of such accessible vehicles was high.


29.4    RESOLVED – That the Committee approves the introduction of a designated list of wheelchair accessible vehicles.

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