Agenda item - Declarations of Interest

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Agenda item

Declarations of Interest


67.1         Councillor Carden declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in item 69, General Fund Revenue Budget & Council Tax 2012/13 as he was the vice-president of Brighton & Hove Football Association which was affected by the budget proposals.


67.2         Councillor Wealls declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in item 69, General Fund Revenue Budget & Council Tax 2012/13 as he was a Trustee of Impact Initiatives which was directly affected by the budget proposals.


67.3         Councillor Cox declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in item 69, General Fund Revenue Budget & Council Tax 2012/13 as he rented an allotment and was Secretary of Brighton & Hove Cricket Club which was affected by the budget proposals.


67.4         Councillor Hamilton declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in item 69, General Fund Revenue Budget & Council Tax 2012/13 as he was the president of Portslade Horticultural Society and Chairman of Mile Oak Football Club which was affected by the budget proposals.


67.5         Councillor Randall declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in items 69, General Fund Revenue Budget & Council Tax 2012/13 and 72, Housing Revenue Account Budget 2012/13 as he was a Board Member of Brighton & Hove Seaside Homes Ltd which was affected by the budget proposals.


67.6         Councillor G. Theobald declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in item 69, General Fund Revenue Budget & Council Tax 2012/13 as he was vice-president of Brighton & Hove Cricket Club which was affected by the budget proposals.


67.7         Councillor Wakefield declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in item 69, General Fund Revenue Budget & Council Tax 2012/13 as she was a co-worker on a Brighton & Hove Allotment which was affected by the budget proposals.


67.8         Councillor A. Norman declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in item 69, General Fund Revenue Budget & Council Tax 2012/13 as she was a patron of Roedale Allotment Society which was affected by the budget proposals.


67.9         Councillor Powell declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in item 69, General Fund Revenue Budget & Council Tax 2012/13 as she worked for the Friends Centre; she was a Trustee for Allsorts and an active Unison Member all of which were affected by the budget proposals.


67.10    Councillor Janio declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in item 69, General Fund Revenue Budget & Council Tax 2012/13 as his wife owned a Trader’s Permit which was affected by the budget proposals.


67.11    Councillor Mitchell declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in item 69, General Fund Revenue Budget & Council Tax 2012/13 as she was the Chair of Brighton & Hove Estates Conservation Trust which was affected by the budget proposals.


67.12    Councillor Wells declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in item 69, General Fund Revenue Budget & Council Tax 2012/13 as he was a Board Member of Brighton & Hove Seaside Homes Ltd and a Trustee of Woodingdean Youth Centre which was affected by the budget proposals.


67.13    Councillor Fitch declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in item 69, General Fund Revenue Budget & Council Tax 2012/13 as he was a Board Member of Brighton & Hove Seaside Homes Ltd and a holder of a bus pass which was affected by the budget proposals.


67.14    Councillor C. Theobald declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in item 69, General Fund Revenue Budget Council Tax 2012/13 as she was the president of Patcham Horticultural Society and president of Mencap Brighton & Hove which were affected by the budget proposals.


67.15    Councillor Robins declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in item 69, General Fund Revenue Budget & Council Tax 2012/13 as he was an allotment holder which was affected by the budget proposals.


67.16    Councillor Bowden declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in item 69, General Fund Revenue Budget & Council Tax 2012/13 as he was the chairman of Kemptown Carnival Association which could be affected by one of the proposed amendments to the budget proposals.


67.17    Councillor Pissaridou declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in item 69, General Fund Revenue Budget & Council Tax 2012/13 as she was a joint allotment holder which was affected by the budget proposals.


67.18    Councillor Summers declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in item 69, General Fund Revenue Budget & Council Tax 2012/13 as she was a Board Member of Brighton & Hove Seaside Homes Ltd which was affected by the budget proposals.


67.19    Councillor Simson declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in item 69, General Fund Revenue Budget & Council Tax 2012/13 as she was a Trustee of the Deans Youth Project which was affected by the budget proposals.


67.20    Councillor Gilbey declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in item 69, General Fund Revenue Budget & Council Tax 2012/13 as she was the Chair of Portslade Community Forum which was affected by the budget proposals.


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