Agenda item - Minutes of the previous meeting

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Agenda item

Minutes of the previous meeting

Minutes of the meeting held on 23 February 2011 (copy attached).


239.1        RESOLVED – That the Chairman be authorised to sign the minutes of the meeting held on 23 February 2011 as a correct record with the following amendments:


A.     Application BH2010/03744, Open Market


(42)  A vote was taken and on a unanimous vote minded to grant planning permission was granted subject to the conditions and informatives listed in the report, and two extra informatives.


D.     Application BH2010/03379, Royal Alexandra Hospital


(18)  Councillor Cobb asked if the restoration work could be done first and whether the refuse collection was accessible. Mr Everest replied that a condition was included to ensure there was no occupation of the residential units until the full development was completed, which was considered adequate. Regarding refuse collection the development incorporated dedicated refuse storage for each block at basement level. This would be collected by City Clean from the rear service road via a refuse hoist.


(29)  A vote was taken and on a unanimous vote minded to grant planning permission was granted subject to the applicant entering into a Section 106 Agreement, the conditions and informatives listed in the report, an additional condition and amendments to conditions 11 and 12.


E.     Application BH2010/03380, Royal Alexandra Hospital


(2)    A vote was taken and on a unanimous vote minded to grant conservation area consent was given subject to the issue of planning permission in respect of application BH2010/03379 and the conditions and informatives listed in the report.


F.      Application BH2010/03714, 88 – 92 Queens Road and 4 Frederick Place


(2)    A vote was taken and on a unanimous vote minded to grant planning permission was granted subject to the applicant entering into a Section 106 Agreement and the conditions and informatives listed in the report.


G.     Application BH2010/03547, Flat 1, 100 St Georges Road


(11)  A vote was taken and on a vote of 6 for, 2 against and 4 abstentions, planning permission was refused for the reasons given in the report.


H.     Application BH2010/03279, Former Connaught House site


(3)    A vote was taken and on a vote of 9 for, 0 against and 3 abstentions minded to grant planning permission was granted subject to the applicant entering into a Section 106 Agreement and the conditions and informatives listed in the report.


I.       Application BH2010/03968, 13-15 Old Steine


(2)    A vote was taken and on a vote of 9 for, 2 against and 1 abstention planning permission was granted subject to the conditions and informatives listed in the report.


L.      Application BH2010/03947, 5 Chailey Avenue


(4)    A vote was taken and on a unanimous vote planning permission was granted subject to the conditions and informatives listed in the report, and an additional condition.


Note: Councillor Hyde declared a personal and prejudicial interest and left the room during consideration of this item. She did not take part in the discussion and voting thereon.

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