Agenda item - Deputations from members of the public.

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Agenda item

Deputations from members of the public.

A list of deputations received by the due date of the 15th March 2012 will be circulated separately as part of an addendum at the meeting.


79.1         The Mayor reported that one deputation had been received from members of the public and invited Ms. Rebecca Crook as the spokesperson for the deputation to come forward and address the council.


79.2         Ms. Crook thanked the Mayor and stated that: “The Save Saltdean Lido campaign journey started 2 years ago and our lobbying efforts have certainly put the spotlight on the council resulting in recent activities. It is a pity that it has taken a campaign group to instigate action from the council but nevertheless progress is being made and for that we thank the council.


            The council talk a lot about delivering improved collaboration with council communities and a commitment of listening to its residents which in principle sounds great but the reality for the people in Saltdean and the issues surrounding Saltdean lido is that on an implementation level the council’s intelligent commissioning has well and truly failed. We often wonder if the council even remember that Saltdean lido is part of the city, whether Saltdean is part of the city.


            The council’s current tourism strategy, the ten year vision to 2018, outlines the vision and the targets for the city but not once in that 61 page document is Saltdean even mentioned, let alone the lido. Clearly the council don’t think owning the first listed lido in the country and more recently the only lido to have grade 2 star recognition, is important or a benefit to the city or it’s tourism strategy.  How very short-sighted, perhaps this may explain why the council is so reluctant to take action against the lease holder of the site. Maybe it’s because the council don’t know what to do with Saltdean lido. We need the council to realise the potential of the lido site and the benefits that it could offer to local people. Intelligent commissioning shouldn’t be about writing fluffy statements. It should be about taking action and making things happen for the benefit of local people.


            Saltdean lido is an opportunity for the council to actually do something, make a positive impact on the local community. In the business plan - the Saltdean Lido Community Interest Company, we talk about economic growth potential, new employment opportunities, a community hub, a restored listed building, and better facilities for local people and an all year round major tourist destination.  The sad fact and reality is, we’ve got a crumbling building on the English heritage at risk register. English heritage, as you have already heard, visited the site just last week and they confirmed to us that it will very much be remaining on the at risk register and it’s apparent to us that without a comprehensive maintenance plan in place that will actually be enforced by the council, Saltdean lido could be lost forever.


            The council have got to stop talking about things and take enforcement action, the leaseholder has made no secret that his desire is to develop the site under enabling development. As you’ll be aware enabling development is an absolute last resort and a clear message to everyone is that Saltdean lido community interests company has a credible and robust business plan in place and as long as that option is on the table enabling development will be very unlikely.


            We still believe the council has a comprehensive strategy in place the removal of the lease holder, or any plans for an exit strategy or the future of the site. The council have repeatedly attempted to underplay issues which the campaign group have raised including health and safety issues, planning concerns over listed building amendment consents, business rates, disrepair to the building, non compliance with the lease and a whole host of other things, so it’s really disappointing that a letter sent to the council listing these points in detail still hasn’t received a full reply.


            We’re sure that the council are getting more and more agitated by the campaign’s group determination and focus. In the very first public meeting which we held we stated that we were in this for the long haul and we are. We will not be going anywhere until the matter is fully resolved and in fact as the campaign goes on everyday we only gain more momentum and more support and we will continue to come to these meetings every month if that’s what it takes.


            We ask again that the council listen to what local people want; for the lease to be removed from the current lease holder and for the community to be given the opportunity to tender for the entire site. The council talk about being committed to achieving stronger outcomes for citizens and the plans state, “this means using strong evidence to understand what needs to be done” that’s the council’s words.


            We’ve provided the evidence to remove the leaseholder, research from 3000 local people, a full business plan, a fund raising strategy, even an intra-management plan. So what exactly is the council waiting for?”


79.3         Councillor Bowden replied, “I will only emphasise again that the council has to be very careful about the way it acts.  It has to stay within the law at all times and we are working down a road map, we do have a plan and we are acting on it and you’ve heard today from my colleague and you’ve heard from me that we are taking this extremely seriously.  This is an asset for the whole city and we intend to see this through like you. We’re in it for the long term as well. I will remind you as well, I’ve said this before, our tourism strategy is in the process of being updated, rest assured Saltdean will feature large there because I see it as a huge asset as you do and as the rest of the community does. So watch this space is all I can say.”


79.4         The Mayor thanked Ms. Crook for attending the meeting and speaking on behalf of the deputation.  She explained that the points had been noted and the deputation would be referred to Economic Development & Culture Committee for consideration.  The persons forming the deputation would be invited to attend the meeting and would be informed subsequently of any action to be taken or proposed in relation to the matter set out in the deputation.

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