Agenda item - Chairman's Communications

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Agenda item

Chairman's Communications



Core  Strategy  Document -  Local Development Framework


At the  Chairman’s  invitation  the  Head  of  Planning  Strategy  provided  an  update  relative to progress of  the Core Strategy  Document  relative to  the  Local  Development  Framework.  This had  been considered  and  approved as  a consultation  “draft”  form at a  recent meeting  of  the  Cabinet Member Meeting  for Environment.  The  public  consultation period for  the   document  would   run for  a  six  week  period  between  27 June  and  9  August  2008. It  was  agreed  that  this  document  would  be  e.mailed to Committee Members when available and  that a briefing  session would also be arranged. 


In  answer  to  questions  it  was  explained that until  these policies  came  into  force  the  Local  Plan would  could  continue  to  provide the relevant policy  guidance. Some existing  site  specific policies would expire on 21 July 2008.  Councillor Steedman sought  clarification in  respect  of policy HO7  in  response  the  head  of  Planning  Strategy   advised that it did  not  require developments to  be car free,  but  rather  set  out  the  requirements  to be  met  in  those  instances  where car free  development was proposed and sought  to indicate  circumstances where  such  development would  not  be  precluded and was  likely  to  be  deemed acceptable. The  Solicitor  to  the  Committee  explained  that  although more  than  limited weight could  be  given to  the   “Core  Strategy” document  it could not  be  given  full statutory weight  at this  stage.   


Councillor Hamilton enquired  whether  as  the Planning Applications Sub  Committee  was  now  a  Committee whether  such  consultation documents which  had  previously  been considered  by  the  Environment  Committee would come  before  this  body  instead.  It  was  explained  that  the previous  arrangements would remain unchanged,  albeit  that  such  documents  would  now  go  to  the  appropriate  Cabinet  Member  meeting.  These policies were ultimately to  be agreed by full Council.


RESOLVED - That the position be noted.



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