Agenda item - Application BH2011/00358, Northfield, University of Sussex

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Agenda item

Application BH2011/00358, Northfield, University of Sussex

(copy attached).


9.1             The Committee considered a report from the Strategic Director of Place regarding application BH2011/00358, Northfield, University of Sussex, Brighton.


9.2             The Senior Planning Officer, Mr Foster, introduced the application and presented plans, photos and elevational drawings. Mr Foster drew attention to the items on the Late List and the comprehensive officer’s report. An environmental statement had been included as part of the application and Mr Foster advised that part of the application was within the South Downs National Park. When Members considered the application they would be acting as agents for the South Downs National Park Authority for this element of the scheme, which did not have built development on it.


                  The main considerations were set out in the report and included the principle of development, impact on the SDNP, highways, ecology and landscape. The scheme would meet BREEAM excellent rating and would bring forward high quality materials identical to the outline development that had already been granted permission. There was no additional parking provided with this scheme but the Sustainable Transport Team were happy with the proposals subject to disabled parking bays and secure cycle parking being provided by condition. There would be additional planting to the west to smooth transition from the SDNP to the application site. Sedum roofs and calcareous grassland with native woodland and bat boxes had also been secured through legal agreement.


                  Questions/matters on which clarification was sought


9.3             Councillor Hyde asked why cedar cladding was proposed as a material when Councillors had expressed their dislike of this type of material on previous applications. Mr Foster replied that the cladding would not be on any of the larger buildings, and indicated on the plans the area that would be covered.


9.4             Councillor Hyde noted the use of green roofs and asked if they would be made from materials that lasted well in dry conditions as the previous roofs had not been very successful. Mr Foster replied that the full details of the roof material would form part of the Section 106 Legal Agreement, but the University was aware of the problems with maintenance of the roofs.


9.5       Councillor Hawtree asked if solar panels had been considered for the roofs. Mr Foster replied that the University did not believe these would integrate well with the Combined Heat and Power Unit proposed. The scheme would reach a BREEAM excellent rating without solar panel use. The Head of Development Control, Mrs Walsh, stated that the Authority’s duty was to consider the BREEAM rating and as the scheme would reach an excellent rating, they could not request any amendments above this.


9.6             Councillor Hawtree asked what the interiors of the rooms were like and whether grey water recycling had been considered. Mr Foster replied that the rooms were 14 square metres with en suites. Southern Water and the Environment Agency were satisfied with the proposed water recycling on the site.


9.7             Councillor Cobb asked if the doors shown on the plans would also be cedar cladding and Mr Foster confirmed this.


9.8             Councillor Davey asked what were included as the specific measures of the travel plan. The Principal Transport Planner, Mr Reeves, replied that the University had found it difficult to fund some of the elements of the 2009 travel plan, but wanted to improve travel links between the University and the city centre along Lewes Road. They were proactively working to reduce car usage.


9.9             Councillor Davey asked if the cycle parking would be secure and covered. Mr Foster replied that conditions required these details.


9.10          Councillor Mrs Theobald asked if the cedar cladding would be treated and whether there was any disabled parking. Mr Foster was unsure whether the cladding would be treated. Mr Reeves replied that the disabled parking provision was in line with SPG14 and all registered disabled students would be allocated a parking space.


9.11          Councillor Hawtree asked if there was any more building works planned for the University. Mr Foster replied that a master plan was in place, and redevelopment of existing buildings was being considered. The site was allocated for development in the Brighton & Hove Local Plan, but any additional proposals by the University would emerge through discussion with the Planning Policy Team.


9.12          Councillor Summers asked whether the Council’s Ecologist was now happy with the scheme. Mr Foster replied that mitigation measures had been proposed as part of the Environmental Statement and the Ecologist was satisfied with these and that they would be secured through the Section 106 Agreement.


                  Debate and decision making process


9.13          Councillor Kennedy welcomed the provision of extra accommodation for students on campus as there was a need to bring family accommodation back into use for families in the city centre.


9.14          Councillor Mrs Theobald also welcomed the accommodation for students.


9.15          Councillor Hyde asked for an extra condition for pre-treatment of the cedar cladding.


9.16          Councillor Hamilton noted the comments from the SDNP and on this basis was happy to support the application.


9.17          Councillor Davey asked for an amendment to condition 14 to ensure that the cycle parking would be secure and covered.


9.18          A vote was taken and on a unanimous vote minded to grant planning permission was granted subject to the completion of a Section 106 Agreement, no further new objections raised that are not addressed within the report and amendments to conditions to provide for the pre-treatment of the cedar cladding and secured and covered cycle storage.


9.19          RESOLVED – That the Committee considers and agrees with the overall reasons for the recommendation set out in paragraph 8 of the report and resolves that it is minded to grant planning permission, subject to the completion of a Section 106 Agreement to secure a Habitat Creation and Management Plan for the site and the variation of existing Section 106 Agreements dated 6 August 2009 and 3 September 2009 pertaining to the site, the expiry of the publicity period with the receipt of no further objections raising new material planning considerations that are not addressed within this report and the conditions and informatives listed in the report. Also that amendments to conditions are made to provide for the pre-treatment of the cedar cladding and secured and covered cycle storage.

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