Agenda item - Planning Enforcement Yearly Report April 2010 - March 2011

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Agenda item

Planning Enforcement Yearly Report April 2010 - March 2011

Report of Head of Planning & Public Protection (copy attached).


31.1          The Committee considered a report from the Head of Planning and Public Protection regarding the Planning Enforcement Yearly Report April 2010 – March 2011.


31.2          The Planning Investigations and Enforcement Manager, Mr McCormack, gave a brief overview of work of the team for the last year. He believed the Enforcement service was pivotal to an effective Planning service. The team worked in accordance with the Enforcement Policy adopted this year, and officers would always seek to work with applicants before serving notices. Officers also encouraged redevelopment of derelict or unused sites.


There had been 719 cases closed last year without the need to take formal enforcement action. The approach taken by the team was firm but fair and the figures were a positive reflection of this. Enforcement notices were considered to be most effective method of dealing with problems. Some Enforcement cases had been dealt with by committee and were particularly notable. There had been ten appeals last year and all were dismissed. The team was particularly proud of this record and wanted to maintain it for the coming year. Eleven amenity notices were issued last year, and as well as improving the look of properties, section 215 notices encouraged derelict sites to be brought forward for appropriate development. During the coming year officers would focus on bringing empty properties back into use, and work with other council departments such as the Empty Homes Team. The team would also continue to work with planning enforcement policy over the coming year.


31.3          The Chair thanked Mr McCormack for the very valuable work carried out by the team.


31.4          Councillor Hyde agreed and stated that residents also aware of the service the team provided. She felt it would have helped for dates of served notices to be included in the report.


31.5          Councillor Mrs Theobald said that this was an excellent report with very many good examples of effective enforcement and was excellent news for the city.


31.6          Councillor Hawtree referred to Clarendon Villas and asked if local ward Councillors would be informed on any works to council properties where windows were being changed from wooden ones to plastic ones. Mr McCormack agreed that where permission was required an application would be submitted and councillors would be informed of this on the weekly list.


31.7          Councillor Wells thanked the team for the work they were doing and referred to Rudyard Road and an existing empty property that had been dealt with effectively. Mr McCormack agreed that this was being dealt with by the team and the property would be brought back into use. It was not intended to be demolished. There was also a planning application being submitted to build an additional house on site.


31.8          Councillor Kennedy said that this was a formidable track record with a 100% success rate of defending appeals. The relationship with the Empty Property Team was also working very well and she thanked Mr McCormack for the work his team had done in her ward in particular.


31.9          RESOLVED – That the Committee notes the report.

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