Agenda item - Monitoring Winter Service Plan scrutiny review

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Agenda item

Monitoring Winter Service Plan scrutiny review


16.1 The Head of Highway Operations introduced the report, pointing out the significant developments in service, communications with residents, and  joint working with partners  since the severe weather events of winter 2009 – 2010.

All the improvements were detailed in the Appendices. The scrutiny process had proved helpful in focussing the joint working on this and other  major incidents between key council service areas and with partners; and it was useful to bring to Council the various strands involved. Much had been achieved over more than a year.  More work on planning for winter weather with the business community was in hand.


16.2 The Head of Operations answered questions on the limitations of both metal and the newer carbon fibre snow ploughs in an urban areas, and described from direct experience the various approaches to salting and ploughing at different times of day in different locations during a variety of weather conditions. Road widths, abandoned cars, speed bumps, pathways, cycle lanes, and slopes were some of the practical factors to be taken into account in tackling snow and ice.


16.3 Seven new gritters using the latest technology (orange with stainless steel hoppers) were being delivered to cover six routes, allowing for a spare for emergencies or breakdown. The Head of Operations detailed all the technical advantages of each type of vehicle. This did not involve unnecessary expenditure; it was a proportionate response to the difficulties encountered in 2009-2010, she said.


16.4 The Head of Operations was widely congratulated on the ability of the team to be responsive and deal with extreme weather events and to learn actively from the feedback received.


16.5 The Chair Councillor Warren Morgan who also chaired the Winter Service Plan Scrutiny Panel welcomed the report on behalf of the Committee and thanked the officers. Members agreed to ask for a report back if necessary, after winter 2011-2012 to the 26 March meeting.


16.6    RESOLVED that a further monitoring report be provided to 26 March meeting only if necessary.

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