Agenda item - Review of Policy Framework

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Agenda item

Review of Policy Framework

Extract from the proceedings of the Governance Committee meeting held on the 20th October 2011, together with a report of Strategic Director, Resources (copies attached).


30.1         Councillor Littman introduced the report and stated that the Policy Framework had been updated to take account of changes in legislation and the council structure.  He noted that a number of plans had been removed by the government and moved the recommendation.


30.2         Councillor G. Theobald referred to paragraph 28.2 of the extract from the proceedings of the Governance Committee and stated that he wished to move an amendment to the recommendation to include an additional number of plans and strategies to those listed in the report.  He also noted that he wished to alter the amendment contained in the addendum papers as he wished to include the annual school admissions arrangements as part of those plans and strategies to be referred to Full Council.


30.3         Councillor A. Norman formally seconded the amendment.


30.4         Councillor Kennedy noted that the proposed amendment being put forward by the Conservative Group differed from that which had been discussed at the earlier Whips’ meeting.  Whilst she was happy to accept the Conservative amendment she asked for clarification in regard to the alteration as she had understood the intention had been to seek confirmation as to which plans formed the school admissions arrangements and which should come forward to Full Council.


30.5         The Monitoring Officer stated that the Annual School Admissions Arrangements did not relate to an identifiable document, but were made up of a number of plans and policies.  The original amendment had sought to enable officers to identify those plans and policies and thereby confirm them in a report to the next council meeting for determination as to which should be included in the Policy Framework.  However, the revised amendment proposed by Councillor Theobald was acceptable and could be considered as it was understood that the various plans and policies that contributed to the admissions arrangements would be included.


30.6         Councillor Randall stated that he was happy to accept the amendment and also to include reports on councillors on the Local Economic Partnership and South Downs Trust.


30.7         Councillor Morgan referred to the Youth Justice Plan as detailed on page 205 of the agenda and noted that the previous government had given £700k to the authority for the plan’s implementation.  He therefore queried whether the plan had ever been before the Full Council for approval bearing in mind that it was listed in the Policy Framework and if not why it had not been submitted for approval.


30.8         Councillor Kennedy stated that she wished to propose that the amendment as listed on page 25 of the addendum in view of the need to clarify which plans and polices made up the admissions arrangements and would then need to come forward to Full Council under the Policy Framework.


30.9         Councillor Randall formally seconded the proposal.


30.10    Councillor G. Theobald queried whether it was appropriate to move the amendment bearing in mind that it had been subject to a lot of discussion at the Whips meeting and following that meeting.  He believed that an agreement had been reached with officers which included the school admissions arrangements as a fifth bullet point, as shown in the revised amendment that had been circulated rather than having the fourth resolution as shown in the original amendment.


30.11    The Monitoring Officer stated that different iterations had been discussed with officers and the amendment produced for the addendum papers.  Under Standing Orders it was not possible to move and amendment to an amendment and therefore Councillor Theobald had circulated a revised version of the amendment.  Councillor Kennedy had subsequently moved the original amendment as listed in the addendum papers, it was therefore appropriate to consider the Conservative amendment and vote on it, followed by the Green amendment and depending on the outcome of the votes the substantive motion as amended or not.


30.12    The Mayor stated that in view of the Administration’s previous statements of a willingness to accept the amendment but the desire for clarification on the implications in relation to the schools admissions arrangements, she  would adjourn the meeting for a short period to enable both Groups to discuss the way forward.


30.13    The meeting was adjourned at 8.45pm.


30.14    The Mayor reconvened the meeting at 8.50pm and invited the Monitoring Officer to clarify matters.


30.15    The Monitoring Officer stated that following discussions, it was intended that the amendment as listed on page 25 of the addendum papers should include a fifth bullet point under resolution (3) to refer to the school admissions arrangements and a fourth resolution requesting a report to the council in December detailing which plans and policies related to the admissions arrangements.


30.16    Councillors G. Theobald and Kennedy formally moved and seconded the composite amendment as outlined by the Monitoring Officer.


30.17    The Mayor put the composite amendment to the vote, which was carried.


30.18    The Mayor then put the recommendations as amended to the vote, which was carried.


30.19    RESOLVED:


(1)   That the amended Policy Framework as set out in Appendix 2 to the report be approved;


(2)   That in addition, the following plans and strategies be added to Appendix 2 (ii);


·        City Performance Plan

·        Travellers’ Strategy

·        Housing Strategy

·        Housing Allocations Policy

·        Annual School Admissions Arrangements


(3)   That with regard to the Annual School Admissions Arrangements a further report be brought to the Council meeting in December with information including a description of current policies as they relate to school admissions.

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