Agenda item - Declarations of Interest

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Agenda item

Declarations of Interest


17.1         The Mayor drew the Council’s attention to Item No. 27 Review of Members Allowances, on the agenda and stated that all councillors held a personal and prejudicial interest in the item.  However, it was not practical to prevent them from voting on the matter and therefore all councillors had a general dispensation, in order to be able to consider and vote on the matter.  She therefore sought agreement, which was given, to take the declaration of personal interests from all councillors as having been declared.


17.2         The Mayor noted that Item 34(e) on the agenda concerned Public Service Pensions and that a number of councillors were likely to be members of the local government pension scheme, either from their employment or a part of the arrangements for councillors.  As such, rather than taking individual declarations of interest, she would call for a show of hands by those Members wishing to declare a personal but non-prejudicial interest in the item.


17.3         The following Members indicated that were members of the local government pension scheme and thereby held a personal but non-prejudicial interest in Item 34(e) on the agenda:


Councillors Barnett, Bowden, Brown, Buckley, Deane, Duncan, Farrow, Follett, Gilbey, Hamilton, Janio, Jarrett, Jones, Kennedy, J. Kitcat, Lepper, Littman, MacCafferty, Marsh, Meadows, Mears, Mitchell, Morgan, A. Norman, K. Norman, Peltzer Dunn, Phillips, Pidgeon, Pissaridou, Powell, Randall, Rufus, Shanks, Simson, Smith, Sykes, C. Theobald, G. Theobald, Wakefield, Wealls, Wells and West.


17.4         The Mayor then sought declarations of interest in any other matters appearing on the agenda.


17.5         Councillors Randall, Wells and Summers declared a personal but non prejudicial interest in Item 21(b), a public question from Mr. Cook regarding the Local Development Vehicle.


17.6         No other declarations of interest in matters appearing on the agenda were made.


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