Agenda item - To receive petitions and e-petitions.

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Agenda item

To receive petitions and e-petitions.

Petitions will be presented to the Mayor at the meeting.


20.1         The Mayor invited the submission of petitions from councillors and members of the public.  She reminded the Council that petitions would be referred to the appropriate decision-making body without debate and the person presenting the petition would be invited to attend the meeting to which the petition was referred.


20.2         The Mayor noted that Ms. Goffe was not present and stated that the e-petition concerning Save our Roses in Dyke Road Park should be presented directly to the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Cabinet Member Meeting.


20.3         Ms. Paynter presented an e-petition signed by 14 residents concerning the need for a pedestrian crossing at Sackville Road.


20.4         Councillor Janio presented a petition signed by 607 residents concerning buses in Hangleton & Knoll.


20.5         Councillor Janio presented a petition on behalf of the Motorcycle Action Group signed by 1028 residents and interested parties concerning the use of bus lanes by motorcycles and two-wheeled vehicles.


20.6         Councillor Mitchell presented an e-petition signed by 253 residents requesting the renaming of the Brighton Pier to the Palace Pier.


20.7         Councillor Lepper presented a combined paper and e-petition signed by 59 residents concerning the need to clean up Hanover’s streets.


20.8         Mr. Kift presented a combined paper and e-petition signed by 563 residents concerning the provision of dropped kerbs for the disabled.


20.9         Mr. Tuck presented a petition signed by 128 residents of Essex Place concerning the cladding of their building.


20.10    Councillor Smith presented a petition signed by 12 residents concerning parking in Newland Road.


20.11    Councillor Jason Kitcat presented a petition signed by 23 businesses of Duke Street concerning the restriction of lorries during trading hours.


20.12    Councillor Phillips presented a petition signed by 11 residents of Lorna Road concerning the need to restrict visitor parking in their road.


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