Agenda item - Petitions for Council Debate

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Agenda item

Petitions for Council Debate

Petitions to be debated at Council.  Reports of the Monitoring Officer (copies attached).


(a)         The Future of Saltdean Lido.  Lead Petitioner Rebecca Crook.

(b)        Blakers Park Road Safety.  Lead Petitioner Noelle O’Riordan Booth

(c)         Stop the Ban on Pavement Parking in Elm Grove.  Lead Petitioner Tanya Richardson.




23.1               The Mayor stated that under the Council’s petition scheme, if a petition contained 1,250 or more signatures, it could be debated by the Full Council and such a request had been made in respect of an e-petition concerning The Future of Saltdean Lido.


23.2               The Mayor invited Ms. R. Crook to present her petition.


23.3               Ms. Crook thanked the Mayor and stated that a total of 2,913 people had signed the combined paper and e-petition which she believed was the largest e-petition the council had received and read as follows:


“We the undersigned petition the council to commence urgent proceedings and pro-active action against the current lease-holder of Saltdean Lido to maintain the building and comply fully with the terms and conditions of the lease this summer season.  If there is failure of compliance of the aforementioned, we immediately expect the Council to revoke the lease with forfeiture for the current lease-holder.


23.4               Ms. Crook stated that she hoped the council would take action in support of the residents of Saltdean to ensure that the grade II listed building was protected.


23.5               Councillor Bowden noted the petition and thanked Ms. Crook for outlining the importance of the matter and the concern of residents and the various groups in wishing to ensure that the Lido was protected.  He noted that in view of the Council’s position and its relations with the lease-holder he had to be mindful of his response and stated that he would endeavour to ensure the council took the appropriate action to secure the Lido’s future.


23.6               Councillor Mitchell that she wished to move an amendment on behalf of the Labour & Co-operative Group to the report’s recommendation.  She believed that there was a need for a full report on the matter and that it should be brought to the next Cabinet Member Meeting.


23.7               Councillor Marsh formerly seconded the amendment.


23.8               Councillor Hyde stated that she supported the amendment and noted that there was universal opposition to the idea of the Lido being redeveloped for residential purposes.


23.9               Councillor Mears stated that there was a need to support the local community and to find a way of maintaining the lido as a facility for everyone in the city to enjoy.  She hoped that progress could be made and resolution found that would protect the heritage of the lido.


23.10          Councillor Smith stated that he fully supported the petition and other residents’ groups who were seeking to save the lido and hoped that the council would use all the avenues available to ensure it was kept for public enjoyment.  It was an important resource for the city and had to be protected.


23.11          Councillor Bowden noted the comments and stated that he would take them on board, however he needed to be mindful of the legal position and therefore could not comment any further at this point.  He was however, happy to accept the proposed amendment.


23.12          The Mayor then put the recommendations as amended to the vote which was carried.


23.13          RESOLVED:


(1)         That the petition be referred to the Culture, Recreation & Tourism Cabinet Member Meeting for consideration; and


(2)         That a full report setting out the following points be brought to the Culture, Recreation & Tourism Cabinet Member Meeting to accompany the e-petition:


·         The key issues pertaining to this matter;

·         The options available to the council in relation to getting a resolution to the current impasse; and

·         Early actions that would facilitate the repair and refurbishment of Saltdean Lido which do not prejudice the position of the Saltdean Community Association.





23.14          The Mayor stated that under the Council’s petition scheme, if a petition contained 1,250 or more signatures, it could be debated by the Full Council and such a request had been made in respect of an e-petition concerning Blakers Park Road Safety.


23.15          The Mayor invited Mr. C. Bull to present the petition on behalf of Ms. O’Riordan Booth.


23.16          Mr. Bull thanked the Mayor and stated that a total of 1,880 people had signed the combined paper and e-petition which read as follows:


We the undersigned petition the council to improve the safety of pedestrians and cyclists on the roads surrounding Blakers Park; to introduce traffic calming measures and to put the safety of people before the car.  Clearly marked pedestrian or raised paving crossings at Preston Drove, Cleveland Road and Southdown Road, a blanket 20mph limit extending to surrounding roads and the narrowing of Cleveland Road at the Southern (Stanford Avenue) end are necessary to improve the safety of our park’s visitors.  Please sign if you wish to make your view known.


23.17          Mr. Bull stated that he hoped the council would take account of the number of people who had signed the petition and agree to undertaken the action requested.


23.18          Councillor Davey noted the petition and thanked Mr. Bull for putting forward the arguments.  He stated that there was a need to review the priority areas for such improvements, including pedestrian crossings and he hoped to receive a report in the New Year.


23.19          Councillor Jones stated that he supported the request for improvements to be made for the safety of all users of the park; however he did have concerns over the need for an island crossing and felt that a pelican one may be a more suitable alternative.


23.20          The Mayor congratulated Councillor Jones on his maiden speech.


23.21          Councillor Davey noted the comments and stated that road safety was an important issue and he would ensure it was given full consideration.


23.22          The Mayor then put the recommendation to the vote which was carried.


23.23          RESOLVED: That the petition be referred to the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Cabinet Member Meeting for consideration.





23.24          The Mayor stated that under the Council’s petition scheme, if a petition contained 1,250 or more signatures, it could be debated by the Full Council and such a request had been made in respect of an e-petition concerning Stop the Ban on Pavement Parking in Elm Grove.


23.25          The Mayor invited Ms. T. Richardson to present her petition.


23.26          Ms. Richardson thanked the Mayor and stated that a total of 1,713 people had signed the combined paper and e-petition which read as follows:


We the undersigned petition the council to postpone the ban on pavement parking on Elm Grove which has been introduced without local community consent.  We wish to open a dialogue with councillors to find a lasting solution to parking issues on Elm Grove and in the surrounding area.


23.27          Ms. Richardson stated that the introduction of the ban without formal consultation with residents had led to the loss of a significant number of parking places and had contributed to the disbursement of cars into neighbouring areas.  She stated that a Facebook page in support of removing the ban now had over a 100 members.  The local community sought a proper consultation and dialogue with the council over this issue and hoped that level of feeling indicated by the petition would be taken into account.


23.28          Councillor Davey noted the petition and thanked Ms. Richardson for putting forward the arguments.  He stated that he was aware a working group had recently been established to look into the matter and he felt it would be helpful to await the outcome of the group’s findings.


23.29          The Mayor then put the recommendation to the vote which was carried.


23.30          RESOLVED: That the petition be referred to the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Cabinet Member Meeting for consideration.


23.31          The Mayor then adjourned the meeting for a refreshment break at 6.15pm.


23.32          The Mayor reconvened the meeting at 7.00pm.

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