Agenda item - Declarations of Interest
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Agenda item
Declarations of Interest
35.1 Councillors Jones and Mitchell declared personal but not prejudicial interests in Item 51(c), Notice of Motion, Drop the Bill as they worked for the NHS.
35.2 Councillor Wells declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Item 46, Private Rented Sector Agents, report of the Scrutiny Panel as he was a landlord and would therefore withdraw from the meeting during consideration of the item.
35.3 Simson, Fitch, Gilbey, Brown, Bennett, Cobb, Rufus, Deane, Buckley, Hawtree and Shanks declared personal and non-prejudicial interests in Item 46, Private Rented Sector Agents, report of the Scrutiny Panel as they were either landlords or used letting agents.
35.4 Councillor Peltzer Dunn declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in Item 46, Private Rented Sector Agents, report of the Scrutiny Panel.
35.1 Councillors Wealls, Powell and A. Norman declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in Item 51(d), Intelligent Commissioning and the Community & Voluntary Sector, Notice of Motion as they were Trustees of Impact Initiatives, Allsorts and the Martlets Hospice respectively.
35.2 Councillor Randall declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in relation to Brighton & Hove Albion Football Club. He was due to make a statement later in the meeting on the football club and as his daughter was a season ticket holder and his grand-daughter worked as a waitress at the club.
35.3 No other declarations of interests in matters appearing on the agenda were made.