Agenda item - Deputations from members of the public.

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Agenda item

Deputations from members of the public.

A list of deputations received by the due date of the 8th December 2011 will be circulated separately as part of an addendum at the meeting.


41.1         The Mayor reported that one deputation had been received from members of the public and invited Mr. Gamper as the spokesperson for the deputation to come forward and address the council.  The Mayor also noted that as the subject matter related to Item 47, Statement of Licensing Policy Consultation Response, on the agenda, it would be taken into account during the debate and therefore not referred on to the Licensing Committee.


41.2         Mr. Gamper thanked the Mayor and stated that:


            “We appreciate and support Brighton and Hove's stated policy regarding the proposed Extension of the CIA/SSA.  We welcome it and ask the Council to act on the Licensing Committee's resolution on the 17 November 2011. 


            While this will be a city-wide policy, our Associations represent the Brunswick and Adelaide area, which is predominantly residential.  Our residents are living with the effects of the current policy, which is adversely affecting and compromising their quality of life  


            The unintended consequence of the CIA has been a proliferation of licensed premises more easily obtained in the SSA. "License Creep" is rapidly continuing westwards which is why both the SSA and the CIA need to be extended.


            Following the letter sent to each Councillor, we draw the following to your attention:




            This SSA area covers the area westwards along the Western Road corridor from the boundary of the central CIA at Little Preston Street and Spring Street to Holland Road.  It includes streets to the south of Western Road, including Kings Road, but not to the north.  Within a 10 minute walk along less than half a mile of Western Road and through an area of less than half a square mile there are 67 licenses.


            1, Premises with Licenses for On and Off sales of alcohol


            67 LICENSES for the sale of alcohol of which

                  50 are for On sales, such as restaurants, of which

                  19 are after midnight on weekdays

                  25 are after midnight on Friday and Saturday

                  22 are after 11pm on Sunday


            40 are of Off sales, such as pubs and wine merchants, of which

                  17 are after midnight on weekdays

                  16 are after midnight on Friday and Saturday

                  16 are after 11pm on Sunday

                  3 are 24 hour on weekdays

                  4 are 24 hour on Friday and Saturday


            23 of these are for both On and Off sales at the same premises

            2, Premises for Licenses for Late Night Refreshment (food only)


            31 Licenses were found to be current within the SSA, of which

                  20 are after midnight on weekdays

                  27 are after midnight on Friday and Saturday

                  30 are after 11pm on Sunday

                  25 of these also have a License for the sale of alcohol


            Once the deterioration in the situation became apparent the local Residents' Associations became active in expressing residents' extreme concerns at licensing hearings, NHS consultations and recently at the Big Alcohol Debate.


            The particular problems of West Street as identified in para 1.12.4 of the Council's Statement of Licensing Policy 2011 have been addressed to some extent by the CIA but residents within the SSA are concerned that now these are being transferred to the Western Road.  This is born out by the police in their extension of Operation Marble to this area.


            We refer you to the BHCC Licensing and Enforcement Statement on the web:   "The Licensing Act places responsibility on the local authority to manage the night time economy and to minimise disorder and disruption".


            We respectfully request that:


            (1)    The council be recommended to approve the extension of the Cumulative Impact Area and the Special Stress Area as shown on the map in appendix 3 to the report: and 


            (2)    That the council be recommended to implement a 'matrix' approach to licensing decisions as shown in appendix 1 to the report.”


41.3         Councillor Deane replied,


            “I totally welcome this deputation and I’m very grateful to the support from Regency, Brunswick and Adelaide residents. This illustrates overwhelmingly the local public support to our approach to develop licensing policy. Our position has been to keep the cumulative impact area and special stress areas under review.  Following analysis of evidence of trends of crime and disorder and nuisance, the licensing committee considered it is necessary to bring the current special stress area into the cumulative impact area and to create a new special stress area.  


            The report before Full Council tonight supports both of your recommendations by enlarging the cumulative impact area and taking a matrix approach to licensing decisions. This will provide a careful constructed pattern of what the licensing authority would like to see within its area and gives an indication to those making applications.  The planning responsibility of the licensing authority is to promote the licensing objectives; this fourth version of our licensing policy would reflect this duty. I recommend full council determines a policy and recommends this later on the agenda.”


41.4         The Mayor thanked Mr. Gamper for attending the meeting and speaking on behalf of the deputation and hoped he and other members of the deputation would remain for the debate on the matter later in the meeting.

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