Agenda item - Renewable Energy Potential - Scrutiny Review Panel Report
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Agenda item
Renewable Energy Potential - Scrutiny Review Panel Report
Report of the Strategic Director; Resources (copy attached).
28.1 Councillor Morgan introduced the report and stated that he wished to place on record his thanks to Dr. Adrian Smith from Sussex University who chaired the Review Panel. He stated that the Panel had put forward 13 recommendations which had been accepted by the Environment and Community Safety Overview & Scrutiny Organisation Committee and the Cabinet.
28.2 Councillor West Stated that he had also been a member of the review panel and he wished to thank the officers and witnesses that had supported the panel in its findings. He believed that the report was a thorough piece of work and commended it to the council. On behalf of the Administration he stated that they were looking at how to take the various recommendations forward and noted that the Brighton energy co-op had had a tremendous response to its share offer.
28.3 The Mayor stated that the report had been moved and asked that it be noted.
28.4 RESOLVED: That the report be noted.
Supporting documents:
Item 28 Cover for Council, item 28.
PDF 64 KB View as HTML (28./1) 49 KB
Item 28 Appendix 1 RE, item 28.
PDF 124 KB View as HTML (28./2) 150 KB
Item 28 Appendix 2 RE, item 28.
PDF 85 KB View as HTML (28./3) 86 KB