Agenda item - Minutes of the previous meeting

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Agenda item

Minutes of the previous meeting

Minutes of the meeting held on 12 October 2011 (copy attached).


81.1       Councillor Summers referred to the following amendment to the minutes which had been notified in advance of the meeting. It was noted that this amendment had been made both to the set of minutes for signature by the Chair and in relation to those appearing on the Council’s website:


Under Rosaz House application, page 6 item (8) - Councillor Cobb did not support her suggestion of an informative about food composting not because the report indicated there was insufficient space on site for such facilities but because it states (on page 101 of the Plans List):


The scheme does not provide composting facilities. There could be uncooked food waste from the cafe'. However, this waste is likely to be small in scale and therefore it is not considered necessary to provide composting facilities.


              Following this reason from Cllr Cobb, Cllr Hawtree had then said that such reasoning would imply that all household food waste collection, being relatively small in scale, would not be considered necessary either.


81.2       In addition Councillor Hawtree referred to his comments made in Paragraph 5 in relation to Application BH2011/02034, 11 Ainsworth Avenue stating that he had also stated that he hoped that the planning officer could discuss a way forward with the applicant.


81.3       RESOLVED – That the Chair be authorised to sign the minutes of the meeting held on 12 October 2011 as a correct record subject to the amendments set out above.

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