Agenda item - DCMS proposals to deregulate regulated entertainment

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Agenda item

DCMS proposals to deregulate regulated entertainment

Report of the Director of Planning and Public Protection (copy attached)


16.1         The Licensing Manager introduced the report and stated that the Department of Media & Support (DCMS), had issued a consultation document which outlined proposals to deregulate regulated entertainment for audiences of less than 5000 people.  She stated that officers were concerned that such deregulation was not appropriate and sought agreement to respond to the consultation on that basis.


16.1         Councillor West expressed concern over the proposal and suggested that a response from the Council should be clear in that it was not an appropriate way forward and that the figure of 5000 was too high.


16.2         Members of the Committee expressed their concern over the proposals and the possibility of reduced numbers being introduced should the 5000 figure be seen as too high but deregulation still preferred by the government.


16.3         Councillor Duncan proposed that the recommendation should be amended to delete the wording after the word ‘justified’ as this would give a clear indication of the council’s view on this matter.


16.4         Councillor J. Kitcat seconded the motion.


16.5         Councillor Lepper proposed that a letter should also be sent to the Secretary of State, outlining the council’s view in the strongest terms that there should be no deregulation and pointing out how well the control of entertainment works in the city with regulation in place.


16.6         Councillor J. Kitcat seconded the motion.


16.7         The Chair noted that two motions had been moved and put each to the vote which were carried and therefore put the amended recommendation 1 and the additional recommendation 2 to the vote which were carried.


16.8         RESOLVED:


(1)         That the officers concerns regarding deregulated entertainment be noted and that the council’s response to DCMS is that deregulation is not justified; and


(2)         That officers be requested to write to the Secretary of State for Culture, Media & Support expressing the Committee’s view that deregulation should not take place.

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