Agenda item - Advertising on Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicles
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Agenda item
Advertising on Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicles
- Meeting of Licensing Committee (Non Licensing Act 2003 Functions), Thursday, 17th November, 2011 3.30pm (Item 21.)
- View the background to item 21.
Report of the Head of Planning and Public Protection (copy attached)
21.1 The Hackney Carriage Officer introduced the report and stated that the taxi trade had approached officers with the request to allow advertising on the rear wings of vehicles as a means of generating additional income for owners of the vehicles.
21.2 Members of the Committee welcomed the proposal and acknowledged the need to look at ways of enabling drivers to meet their income targets. It was also suggested that reference should be made to a recent report to the Cabinet on sponsorship and advertising to ensure that should vehicles be granted permission to have adverts that they do not contravene any requirements that have been approved.
21.3 Members of the Committee also asked that the report be made available to all Members for information.
(1) That advertising may be displayed on the rear wings (as decided by the Head of Planning & Pubic Protection) of Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicles, provided that the vehicle is not exempt from displaying the Council’s livery and any advertisement displayed conforms to the council’s guidance for licensed vehicles; and
(2) That delegated authority be granted to the Head of Planning & Public Protection to vary the standard Hackney Carriage Licence conditions to allow advertising in accordance with paragraph 2.1 above.
Supporting documents:
Item 21 ReportTemplateCommittee, item 21.
PDF 77 KB View as HTML (21./1) 58 KB
Committee Report for Advertising on Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicles enc. 1, item 21.
PDF 58 KB View as HTML (21./2) 26 KB
Committee Report for Advertising on Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicles enc. 2, item 21.