Agenda item - Traveller Commissioning Strategy 2012

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Agenda item

Traveller Commissioning Strategy 2012

Extract from the proceedings of the Cabinet meeting held on the 15th March 2012 (to be circulated separately) and a report of the Strategic Director; Place (copy attached).


84.1         Councillor West introduced the report which outlined the proposed Traveller Commissioning Strategy for 2012 and it accompanying Action Plan.  He stated that the strategy had been developed, taking on board the outcome of the scrutiny review and was aimed at enabling the challenges faced by the travelling community and local residents to be tackled so that their needs could be met.  He believed the provision of a permanent site for travellers was a significant step forward and would enable access to services such as schools and employment opportunities.  He was delighted to present the strategy to the Council and wished to thank all those that had been involved in what was a very significant piece of work.  He also noted that it was already having an impact across the county and a new joint traveller forum had been established with representatives from both East and West Sussex County Councils.  He hoped that all Members would support the strategy.


84.2         Councillor Mitchell welcomed the Strategy and the Scrutiny report which she believed had enhanced the development of the strategy itself.  She believed it provided a right balance between the needs of travellers and the settled community and hoped that a local forum could be established to compliment the Sussex wide one.


84.3         Councillor G. Theobald welcomed the Strategy and agreed that there was a need to balance the needs of the travelling community and those of the settled community; however he was not sure that the balance had been struck or that anything new was being offered to residents.  He still felt that the city was regarded as the place fro travellers to be with the number of unauthorised encampments remaining at a high level.  The most recent taking place when there had been spaces available at Horsdean transit site.


84.4         Councillor Janio stated that there was a need for a strategy but felt that the bias remained in favour of the travellers and if there was to be a consistent approach he would like more information on how that would be achieved.


84.5         Councillor Cox stated that the city council was becoming known as a tolerant authority which was supported by the increased levels of unauthorised encampments and suggested that better communication may help in terms of identifying areas that were available.  There were areas which should not be tolerated e.g. Wild Park and Queens Park and the police should be encouraged to act to move on illegal camps immediately they appeared.


84.6         Councillor Wakefield stated that she wished to formally second the Strategy and hoped that the increased level of site availability would have a positive impact for the city.  She hoped that all Members would support the strategy and work to enable greater cohesion between the two groups.


84.7         Councillor Peltzer Dunn stated that a well balanced strategy was required and that such a strategy was fit for purpose.  As things stood the question of the level of unauthorised encampments remained and he hoped that the adoption of the strategy would see the balancing of both the traveller and settled communities’ needs.  He suggested that some aspects were open to test and sought Councillor West’s guarantee it would be effective.


84.8         Councillor C. Theobald questioned whether placing the permanent site adjacent to the transient one was the best way forward and suggested that a site elsewhere would have been a better approach.  She was concerned that the problems encountered at the transient site would be exacerbated and queried how it would be affected by the National Park.


84.9         Councillor Mears stated that there were a lot of good aspects within the report and made a plea to the Administration that in having regard to unauthorised encampments, the residents and city’s needs should be accounted for.  There was a need to ensure that open spaces remained accessible to residents and suggested that a further report be brought back to Members later in the year detailing how well the strategy had worked.


84.10    Councillor Simson welcomed the strategy although she could not agree with every word; it was an important working document for the Traveller Liaison Team.  She asked for clarity to be given in respect of the level of tolerated sites that would be accepted and hoped that there would be some form of protocol drawn up and made available.  She also suggested that a list of unacceptable sites should be drawn up and queried whether the strategy effectively recognised what was likely to happen over the next 12-18 months.


84.11    Councillor West noted the comments and welcomed the support from the Leader of the Labour & Co-operative Group.  He would also discuss the points raised with officers and look at whether certain parts could be clarified further or additional information made available to Members.  He believed the strategy offered a positive approach to the matter and would in a large part rely on the political will of the council to be effective.  There was a need to go through the planning process in relation to the establishment of the permanent site and hopefully if this proved successful the site could be instigated.


84.12    The Mayor noted that the report had been moved and put the recommendations to the vote.


84.13    RESOLVED:


(1)         That the Traveller Commissioning Strategy 2012 as detailed in appendix 1 to the report and the accompanying Action Plan as outlined in appendix 2 to the report be approved;


(2)         That the Strategic Directors and Heads of Service be given delegated authority to take all steps necessary or incidental to the Traveller Commissioning Strategy 2012 and accompanying Action Plan in (1) above; and


(3)         That Council’s thanks be placed on record to the local residents, Travellers, Community & Voluntary Sector Organisations, community representatives, officers from other pubic sector organisations and the Traveller Scrutiny Panel who gave up their time to help develop the strategy.


84.14    The Mayor then adjourned the meeting for a refreshment break at 6.50pm.


84.15    The Mayor reconvened the meeting at 7.20pm.



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