Agenda item - Minutes of the last meeting 13 December 2011 and matters arising
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Agenda item
Minutes of the last meeting 13 December 2011 and matters arising
- Meeting of Older People's Council, Tuesday, 17th January, 2012 10.00am (Item 10.)
- View the background to item 10.
10.1 The minutes were agreed.
10.2 Matters arising –
Item 3.1- Colin Vincent spoke to Philip Letchfield on the Local Account revised document. The final draft had been approved at the Adult Social Care and Housing Overview & Scrutiny Committee and would go onto Cabinet. It was agreed to have the Local Account scheduled into the OPC’s future work programme.
Item 3.2 - Colin Vincent had requested information on the age groups of people that had used St. Patrick’s. Churches were collaboratively piloting a scheme called “Anti freeze” for a one month during the coldest period. This would be reviewed.
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