Agenda item - Improved working for the OPC recommendations

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Agenda item

Improved working for the OPC recommendations

Tom Hook – Head of Scrutiny




1.      The OPC should be more structured in its approach and operations with agreed strategies for addressing key issues such as:

·   Agreeing specific aims and objectives for the forthcoming term of office and how to measure their success in achieving these

·   The role of joint working with the Council and partners in helping the OPC achieve their objectives

·   Increasing marketing and publicity to support their objectives

·   Co-opting members and generating interest for future elections

2.      Review the effectiveness of governance arrangements

3.      Agree a structured work plan for the year following the scrutiny principles

4.      Enhance OPC’s relationship with the Council and its members

5.      Agree a system of accreditation for OPC activity in partner’s reports

6.      Actively engage as a critical friend to the Council and partners

7.      Increase contact with the local community on a city-wide, planned basis

8.      Identify additional sources of funding to enable OPC to expand its operations

9.      Review electoral arrangements for 2015 with an option for city-wide multiple choice ballot

10. Agree an action plan and monitor improvements



12.1The Chair announced that a recently retired member of the public was interested in being elected onto the OPC as a Co-optee. Penny Morley wanted to put herself forward. Penny had a background in Trade Union research. Unfortunately she was unable to attend the meeting due to a prior commitment. Members agreed for Penny to be co-opted onto the OPC.


12.2    Tom Hook – Head of Scrutiny presented a summary of the recommendations as set out in the last meeting by the Centre for Public Scrutiny - Expert Advisor.


12.3    These were:

1.                  Identify a work plan with 3 or 4 key issues to focus on to influence the agenda. The Council’s Forward Plan should be used to identify potential work planning ideas for the OPC.


2.                  Become the statutory consultee for all older people. Utilise items on the consultation portal, agree a general approach of response at the monthly meetings.


3.                  Raise the profile of the OPC by increasing it’s communication to a wider audience by the further publication of letters in the Argus. One letter a month to be published by involving all members of the group. This month’s letter could highlight the points raised within this budget meeting.


The development of the OPC website, to increase usage.


Members agreed that the promotional stands should be upgraded and monies should be set aside for new banners. In addition to increase the circulation of posters within medical centres, doctors surgeries, community centres and supermarkets.


It was suggested that the OPC should have a column within City News.


Mike and Colin Vincent formed a marketing working group to collate promotional ideas for the OPC. Feedback of their findings would be heard at the next meeting.


4.                  Quarterly joint meetings with Age Concern, Pensioner Action and Pensioner’s Association to ensure these meetings were well attended. Invite speakers like the Leader of the Council to give older people the opportunity to cross examine them.


5.                  Monthly meetings to be used to develop strategies and identify issues.


6.                  Governance – work is in hand to move to the Committee system. The OPC agreed to request representation at each of the committees.


7.                  Any work to do with the next election should be placed on hold.


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