Agenda item - Admissions Arrangements for Brighton & Hove Schools 2013/14

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Agenda item

Admissions Arrangements for Brighton & Hove Schools 2013/14

Report of the Strategic Director, People (copy attached).


Recommended to Full Council:


(1)               That the proposed school admission numbers set out in the consultation documents be adopted for the admissions year 2013/14, with the exception of Portslade Infant School which it is proposed will become a primary school with an admission number of 60, and St Nicolas’ CE Junior School which it is proposed will admit 60 reception children in addition to the 64 year 3 children proposed. Both of these proposed changes are currently going through the statutory processes in order to take effect in September 2013;


(2)               That the admission priorities for Community Schools set out in the Consultation documents be adopted for all age groups, with the amendments set out below;


(3)               That priority 1 (Children in the Care of a local authority) should be extended to include ‘children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order);


(4)               That the proposal to alter the boundary between the catchment areas for Portslade Aldridge Community Academy (PACA) and Blatchington Mill/Hove Park be adopted so that the shaded area on Map 4 of the consultation documents be included in the catchment area for PACA and not the catchment area for Blatchington Mill/Hove Park; and


(5)               That the proposal to amend the sibling link so that it only applies within catchment area be adopted, but that the protection for those living in areas which have changed catchment area be adopted as described in the consultation document.




(6)               That the proposed change to the method of measuring distance for Infant, Junior and Primary Schools to ‘as the crow flies’ not be adopted, but that the existing method of measuring by the shortest available route be retained;


(7)               That the proposal to alter the boundary between the catchment areas for Dorothy Stringer/Varndean and Blatchington Mill/Hove Park not be adopted for 2013/14, but be postponed until 2014/15 to allow for a wider consultation to take place, and that the existing boundary be retained for 2013/14;


(8)               That the Council should review the final version of the Cardinal Newman Roman Catholic Secondary School admission arrangements fro 2013/14 (as amended in light of the Diocesan response and parental and school responses) to decide whether it should comment further;


(9)               That the co-ordinated schemes of admission be approved; and


(10)          That the City boundary be retained as the relevant area for consultation for school admissions.



220.1    Councillor Shanks introduced the report which detailed the proposed school admission arrangements for 2013/14 in Brighton and Hove.  She stated that there had been a consultation process and as a result some changes to the proposals had been made and a further consultation process was proposed for Dorothy Stringer and Varndean catchment areas, which meant that the existing boundary would be retained for next year’s intake.  She also noted that the sibling link was to be retained for children within the catchment areas but that it would cease for those living outside a catchment area from 2013.


220.2    Councillor Mitchell stated that she had concerns with regard to the sibling link but accepted the point in relation to distance measurement.  She also noted that there was a need for at least one new secondary school and queried how this was to be achieved.


220.3    Councillor G. Theobald stated that there was a need to take account of the impact of ‘free’ schools and the boundaries for existing schools such as Hove Park and Blatchington Mill.  He noted that Patcham High had a number of places available yet it was proposed to expand Dorothy Stringer and Varndean Schools and not Patcham High.


220.4    Councillor Shanks stated that the School Organisation Plan was currently out for consultation and it should address a number of the points raised.  She noted that there was pressure for the popular schools and again was happy to ensure the next round of consultation included the possibility of expanding Patcham High, which was improving.


220.5    The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote.




(1)         That the proposed school admission numbers set out in the consultation documents be adopted for the admissions year 2013/14, with the exception of Portslade Infant School which it is proposed will become a primary school with an admission number of 60, and St Nicolas’ CE Junior School which it is proposed will admit 60 reception children in addition to the 64 year 3 children proposed. Both of these proposed changes are currently going through the statutory processes in order to take effect in September 2013;


(2)         That the admission priorities for Community Schools set out in the Consultation documents be adopted for all age groups, with the amendments set out below;


(3)         That priority 1 (Children in the Care of a local authority) should be extended to include ‘children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order);


(4)         That the proposal to alter the boundary between the catchment areas for Portslade Aldridge Community Academy (PACA) and Blatchington Mill/Hove Park be adopted so that the shaded area on Map 4 of the consultation documents be included in the catchment area for PACA and not the catchment area for Blatchington Mill/Hove Park; and


(5)         That the proposal to amend the sibling link so that it only applies within catchment area be adopted, but that the protection for those living in areas which have changed catchment area be adopted as described in the consultation document.


220.7    RESOLVED:


(6)         That the proposed change to the method of measuring distance for Infant, Junior and Primary Schools to ‘as the crow flies’ not be adopted, but that the existing method of measuring by the shortest available route be retained;


(7)         That the proposal to alter the boundary between the catchment areas for Dorothy Stringer/Varndean and Blatchington Mill/Hove Park not be adopted for 2013/14, but be postponed until 2014/15 to allow for a wider consultation to take place, and that the existing boundary be retained for 2013/14;


(8)         That the Council should review the final version of the Cardinal Newman Roman Catholic Secondary School admission arrangements fro 2013/14 (as amended in light of the Diocesan response and parental and school responses) to decide whether it should comment further;


(9)         That the co-ordinated schemes of admission be approved; and


(10)    That the City boundary be retained as the relevant area for consultation for school admissions.

Supporting documents:


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