Agenda item - Reports from Members, the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer
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Agenda item
Reports from Members, the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer
- Meeting of Older People's Council, Tuesday, 20th March, 2012 10.00am (Item 32.)
- View the background to item 32.
Plus Round-up. Verbal Updates.
Jack Hazelgrove would attend event on 24 March on Mental Health Stigma organised by Mind in New England Street. Had attended a useful Pensioner Action meeting on Mental Health; quarterly meeting with the Council Leader has been moved from 3 April to 10 April – Jack, Francis and Mike to attend.
Francis Tonks was attending steering group meetings for People’s Day on 14 July. Several groups were working together and planning stands in the Health and Wellbeing Zone. Had been to the Active Ageing Seminar that was ‘high-level’ academic.
Harry Steer had been to a meeting of the Practitioners Alliance for Safeguarding Adults and heard a presentation from ESFRS. ESFRS will be asked to speak to OPC and can provide leaflets for People’s Day. Grey Matters had received further Council funding and is to move to closer working with Age UK.. Colin Vincent is proposed to join the Board at Grey Matters AGM.
Janet Wakeling and Val Brown will be looking at Planning applications. Next planning meetings are 4 April and 25 April.
Peter Terry will be attending a Community Safety Forum meeting in Queens Hotel on 24 March. Notes that a list of toilets in Brighton & Hove is available. Suggests website includes a list of toilet-friendly companies. Will raise issues of cyclists on pavements.
Mike Bojczuk had written to the Council Leader and the Argus re: applying for WHO status as an Age-Friendly City. Will send details to all OPC. An Older People’s Strategy is being developed with Partners; Annie Alexander is contact; Suggest invite her to OPC in Autumn. Had attended launch of the European Year of Active Ageing event with Colin Vincent; Manchester and Dorset had active ageing policies. European and/or WHO funding is available for age-related work. OPC website is updated. Has started a petition to promote Older People’s organisations. OPC to take a stand at Sussex Safer Roads Partnership ‘Older Drivers’ event on 22 March in Jubilee Square.
Colin Vincent attended Grey Matters planning meeting. Keen to follow up European Year of Active Ageing by pursuing Age Friendly City status; good for tourists and residents. Had attended Active Ageing seminar on remaining active for physical and mental health. Will continue to attend and report back on Palliative Care user group – a 3-year project.
Penny Morley – is contributing to consultation on waste strategy. Suggests a 2-page briefing for OPC on how the budget changes impact on older people’s services. Budget papers are not clear. Will liaise with FT on developments on the Level.
Val Brown would be going to the ‘Well-being in Old Age’ launch of findings of 3-year research project including Age Concern Brighton & Hove and older co-researchers.on 3 April.