Agenda item - Appeal Against Street Trading Consent : Refusal
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Agenda item
Appeal Against Street Trading Consent : Refusal
Report of the Head of Environmental Health and Licensing (copy circulated to Panel Members only)
Please Note: The public are likely to be excluded from the meeting during consideration of this item as the report contains exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 7 of Schedule 12a to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended)
Summary of Matters Considered in Non-Public Session
The Panel considered a report of the Head of Regulatory Services which requested that they hear and determine an appeal against refusal to grant a Street Artist Licence for a pitch in East Street. Members were informed of the regulations governing street trading consent and of the particulars of this case. A detailed presentation was given by the Senior Environmental Health Officer
Having given very careful consideration to the information set out in the report and having heard the detailed presentation given by the Senior Environmental Health Officer and having listened to the submissions by all interested parties, the submission given by the Police and by the applicant in support of his application, the Panel decided to grant the application subject to conditions. It was noted that the applicant although currently under investigation by the Metropolitan Police had not been charged or found guilty of any criminal offence. The Panel considered that the activities proposed i.e., the sale of cartoon caricatures to the public in the street would not pose a risk to the public. The Panel were therefore minded to grant the licence with the following additional conditions:
RESOLVED - (1) That only cartoon caricatures produced on site may be sold; and
(2) All cartoon caricatures sold on site are to be signed in the artist’s own name or his recognised tag/”nickname”.
Supporting documents:
- Restricted enclosure View the reasons why document 6./1 is restricted