Agenda item - BH2011/03785 11 Dyke Road

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Agenda item

BH2011/03785 11 Dyke Road


Change of use from nightclub Sui Generis to indoor recreation maze (D2) for a 5 year temporary permission and incorporating revised side entrance, external lanterns and associated works.


(1)               The Area Planning Manager (West) gave a presentation detailing the proposals for planning permission (BH2011/03785) and listed building consent (BH2011/03786) by reference to plans and photographs. The proposals were for the creation of an indoor recreational maze on the ground and first floors of the property through a temporary change of use for five years to assess the viability of the business. Letters of objection related to the potential impact of noise which could now be during the daytime as well as night. The listed building consent related solely to the historic character of the building; there were proposed changes to the front of the building, and although the interior had little merit the original staircase would remain unchanged. Both applications were recommended for approval.


Questions for Officers, Debate and Decision Making Processs


(2)               Councillor Hawtree noted that the site was located in a commercially difficult position.


(3)                   Councillor Hyde welcomed the vacant premises being bought back into use.


(4)               Of the eleven Members present it was agreed unanimously that planning permission be granted.


169.7    RESOLVED – That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation and the policies and guidance in section 7 of the report and is MINDED TO GRANT planning permission subject to a revised elevation of the proposed courtyard roof to be formed below the eaves of the existing roof detail and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report.


Note: Councillor Bowden was not present during the consideration or the vote on this application.

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