Agenda item - BH2012/00229 - Wolseley Build Centre, 19 Bristol Gardens

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Agenda item

BH2012/00229 - Wolseley Build Centre, 19 Bristol Gardens

Demolition of existing building and erection of 9no residential dwelling houses with associated parking and landscaping.

Recommendation – MINDED TO GRANT



G.        BH2012/00229 – Wolseley Build Centre, 19 Bristol Gardens, Brighton


(1)       Demolition of existing building and erection of 9no residential dwelling houses with associated parking and landscaping.


(2)       The Area Planning Manager (East), Claire Burnett gave a presentation detailing the proposals by reference to photographs and illustrative drawings showing views across the site and explained that the current application represented a variation to a similar earlier permission granted in 2010. A new application had been required as the appearance of the development had been altered. The previous approval had given consent for a predominantly rendered development, on a low brick base, with recessed areas to be timber clad. The current application had sought to amend that. Plots 1-3 would utilise an engineered blue/grey brick across the ground brick level and part of the first floor with white rendered blocks at first floor level. The window shape at first floor level had also been revised. The application proposed changes to Plots 4 and 6, which was to be a fully rendered building, with revised fenestration. Plot 5 was to be constructed completely from engineered blue/grey brick and Plot 7 was to be fully rendered and both included minor fenestration alterations. Plots 8 and 9 would replace the recessed timber cladding elements with the same blue/grey engineered brick. It was considered that that the amendments represented an improvement to the previously approved scheme and minded to grant approval was therefore recommended.


Questions of Officers, Debate and Decision Making


(3)       Councillor Mrs Theobald sought confirmation that as with the previous scheme it was proposed that only part of the wall surrounding the site was to be removed and it was confirmed that element of the scheme remained unchanged. Councillor Cobb asked whether in addition to parking provided for each house, visitor parking would also be provided on site. It was explained that on site parking provision was shared, there would not be any separate visitor parking and additional vehicles could be accommodated on street.


(4)       A vote was taken and Members voted unanimously that minded to grant planning permission be given.


187.7  RESOLVED – That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in the report and in the policies and guidance in section 7 of the report and resolves that it is MINDED TO GRANT planning permission subject to the applicant entering into a deed of variation of the s106 dated 13 September 2010 relating to BH2009/01355 and to the conditions and informatives set out in the report.

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