Agenda item - BH2012/00471 - 6 Challoners Close

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Agenda item

BH2012/00471 - 6 Challoners Close

Alterations to existing ground floor and extension at first floor level to form a two storey four bedroom house and installation of rooflights to front and rear and to low level roof side elevations. (Part retrospective)

Recommendation – GRANT



L.         BH2012/00471 – 6 Challoners Close, Rottingdean


(1)       Alterations to existing ground floor and extension at first floor level to form a two storey four bedroom house and installation of rooflights to front and rear and to low level roof side elevations (part retrospective).


(2)       The Area Planning Manager (East) Claire Burnett gave a presentation detailing the proposals by reference to detailed plans, photographs and elevational drawings delineating the differences between the earlier and this current application. Whilst it was stated on the plans that the proposed rooflights to the converted loft would serve a storage area it was noted that this space could be used as living space without the need for any further planning consent. Notwithstanding this, it was not considered that the proposed rear rooflights would result in any significantly increased overlooking towards the neighbouring properties over and above existing levels from the centrally located dormer or the proposed first floor windows approved in application BH2010/00977. Furthermore, it was noted that the angled nature of the rooflights, set back from the rear elevation would also help reduce potential overlooking towards neighbouring properties.


(3)       The Area Planning Manager (East) went on to explain that the front rooflights were sited over 20m from the properties to the opposite side of Challoners Close and it was not considered that there would be any significant increase in overlooking towards these properties. The rooflights to the side roofslopes were sited above head height and would not result in any overlooking to adjoining properties. The additional first floor window to the north elevation would serve a shower room, would be obscure glazed and it was not considered that it would result in any overlooking towards the side elevation of the adjoining property to the north, No.8 Challoners Close. It was not considered that the proposed rooflights would result in any significant increase in noise disturbance to neighbouring properties. Concerns had been raised as to the possibility of the building being used as a multiple rental development with potential increased demand on parking provision and refuse/recycling collections. The application does not propose a change of use from a single dwelling house to a house of multiple occupancy (HMO), however, these issues were not considered to be material planning considerations. The proposed development is not considered to detract significantly from the appearance or character of the property or the surrounding area and approval was therefore recommended.


            Public Speakers and Questions


(4)       Mr De Young spoke as a neighbouring objector and on behalf of other objectors. He stated that the height and impact of the development was very detrimental to the character of the area and amenity of neighbouring residents and would have an even greater negative impact than that resulting from earlier permissions. In his view the earlier applications should not have been granted, but the Committee now had the opportunity to remedy the situation by refusing this application. The applicant was so confident that he would obtain permission that works had continued on site in advance of permission being granted.


(5)       Councillor Webzell spoke in his capacity as a Member of Rottingdean Parish Council setting out their objections to the proposals. He displayed photographs which he considered illustrated that true nature of the development which constituted a complete overdevelopment of the site, the building was too big for its plot and towered above and overlooked its neighbours and was completely out of keeping with the prevailing street scene. It was understood that following completion the developer was intending to use the property as a student let this would increase in traffic in the area and increased pressure in on street parking. The Committee were requested to refuse this application.


            Questions of Officers, Debate and Decision Making


(6)       Councillor Hyde sought clarification of the officer in respect of the precise location of the rooflights proposed to each elevation, which elevations would present a blank wall to neighbouring properties and the location of the obscurely glazed window. Councillor Hyde also sought confirmation as to whether the height and dimensions of the roof space were greater in this application than that for which approval had previously been given. It was confirmed that they were not.


(7)       A vote was taken and on a vote of 8 to 3 with 1 abstention planning permission was granted.


187.12 RESOLVED – That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendations set out in the report and the policies and guidance in section 7 of the report and resolves to GRANT planning permission subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report.

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