Agenda item - OPC Work Programme and update

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Agenda item

OPC Work Programme and update


55. OPC Work plan included the next public meeting, 19 June at 10am in Jubilee Library. Stuart Wright of ESFRS would make a presentation on fire safety for older people, followed by discussion. Community Safety would be the second main topic, though a Police rep may not be available due to an existing event. Road safety for older people, following from the data provided at this meeting, was potentially the third topic; Crossing the road at Churchill Square could be a road safety issue. Publicity would be key; each Member would be given 10 fliers to distribute eg in charity shops, libraries, via website, supermarkets local venues. Age UK B&H, and Pensioner Forum would also have leaflets to circulate. (ACTION MvB, All)


55.2 17 July OPC meeting had been cancelled to focus on 14 July People’s Day. OPC were keen to accept an invitation to join a democracy debate and question time with the Youth Council 11-15 – 12.15 in the Pavilion Theatre. Building intergenerational understanding was an important aim. OPC Chair and Vice Chair were not available at this time; the scrutiny officer would find out more details and seek an older person potentially to Chair/co-Chair this debate. (ACTION: MvB, all)


55.3 21 August OPC was currently scheduled to hear about The Keep and a site visit instead, or as well, would be investigated.


55.4  Possible keynote speakers at 18 September public OPC meeting would be considered at the June OPC meeting. (ACTION: MvB) Suggestions were:


- Drugs and Alcohol and Older People

- Changes to the health service, and potential implication for older people locally.

- Sheltered housing

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