Agenda item - City Performance Plan 2011/12 Report

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Agenda item

City Performance Plan 2011/12 Report

Extract from the proceedings of the Policy & Resources Committee meeting held on the 12th July 2012 (to be circulated separately as part of an addendum at the meeting), together with a report of the Strategic Director; Resources (copy attached).


15.1         Councillor J. Kitcat introduced the report and stated that the indicators were moving in the right direction especially given the challenging economic climate.


15.2         Councillor Mears referred to page 202 and figures for alcohol related hospital admissions and suggested that more needed to be done to address the problem.  She also noted that since 2004 the number of affordable homes made available had declined and that the release of Ainsworth House remained stalled which was a shame as it would be beneficial if it could be made available.


15.3         Councillor Wealls stated that he wished to pay tribute to the work that was being done in the maintained schools but asked if discussions could be held with other providers to see if improvements could be made.


15.4         Councillor Duncan stated that he shared the concerns expressed over the number of alcohol related admissions and noted that the Licensing Committee was working with partners to look at ways of addressing the issue.


15.5         Councillor Peltzer Dunn referred to page 204 and CPP5.4 and asked for clarification in relation to how the target was affected.


15.6         Councillor Wakefield stated that she was disappointed that it was listed as red, but was hopeful that this would change over a period of time as measures that were being put in place had an affect.


15.7         Councillor Cobb noted that the number of local bus paying journeys was under target and queried how many paying passengers were using the services.


15.8         Councillor J. Kitcat stated that if the information on bus passengers was available from the bus company then it would be provided. In regard to the housing mater, the target had been set by the Housing Partnership and there a good number of properties coming forward that would help to improve matters.


15.9         The Mayor noted that the report had been moved and proposed that the City Performance Plan be approved.


15.10    RESOLVED: That the City Performance Plan 2011/12 be approved.

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