Agenda item - Application for WHO Age-Friendly City Status

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Agenda item

Application for WHO Age-Friendly City Status

Progress report


62.1 Secretary Mike Bojczuk updated OPC on the Age-friendly City Initiative that had been discussed with Strategic Director, Place on 3 May and subsequently at a meeting on 29 May with local older people’s organisations, where it had been agreed to take a deputation re an application to WHO, to 19 July Council meeting.


62.2 The aim was to highlight the environmental, social and economic factors that influence the health and wellbeing of older adults; actions achieved, and successes plus future aspirations based on the views of older people.


62.3 Much activity was already under way in Brighton & Hove. MB was bringing this information together within the 8 WHO categories and under each Sustainable Community Strategy heading, and building a business case for a formal application. A draft would be passed around to meet the Council deadlines. (ACTION MB)


62.4 A number of people volunteered to form part of the deputation and policy documents such as ‘Inclusive Mobility;’ and Delivering Dignity’ were mentioned.



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