Agenda item - Apologies and Declarations of Interest

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Agenda item

Apologies and Declarations of Interest

Councillor Geoffrey Bowden has given his apologies


Potential new co-optee – Marion Couldery CV attached


65.1         The Chair paid tribute to former member Colin Carden who had passed away on the 19 July 2012. Colin was a member of the OPC from 2007 - 2012. A collection amongst the OPC members raised £75 towards the Martlets Hospice on his behalf.


65.2         Councillor Geoffrey Bowden, Co-optee Penny Morley & Pensioner’s Forum Association representative - Isla Robertson sent their apologies.


65.3         Wendy Walker (speaker from the Keep) had sent her apologies and would present to the OPC later on in the year.


65.4         Marion Couldery was appointed into the OPC by members as a Co-optee for Rottingdean Coastal and Woodingdean Wards.

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