Agenda item - OPC Work Programme and Update

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Agenda item

OPC Work Programme and Update


71.1         The Chair asked members what information they wanted to know about for the Housing update at 18 September meeting. Members asked for more information about what proportion of new homes were going to be sheltered accommodation. How would older people residents be treated in light of the Welfare Reform Act and the “under occupancy” housing benefit scheme. (This was in reference to housing benefit received according to the number of people living in a property, rather than the size of the property).


71.2         What support was available for older people in private accommodation?


71.3         It was noted that people were means tested, when allocated services and then reassessed. Most services went out to patients in private accommodation and that the council commissioned this work out. The OPC meeting on the 23 October would cover this information.


71.4         Co-optee Penny Morley had sent an e-mail suggesting a planning meeting to discuss the OPC’s future priorities. Members agreed this for the 20 November meeting, which would also include work on AFC.


71.5         Wendy Walker to be rescheduled to speak at the 18 December meeting. The Christmas meal would be at the Bali Brasserie after the meeting.


71.6         Members round up included:


(1)   Grey Matters Broadcasting Company is part owned separately by the OPC & Age UK. Radio Reverb charged £10 for each session. The time slot of the broadcast had been changed this incurred an extra expense. Work was progressing to find another Doctor to speak on the radio network, as this was very popular with listeners.

(2)   The LINk had organised a number of visits to care homes and GP practices and FT had visited 2 with residents. This included going through a questionnaire. Observations were that the residents seemed happy and the care home was comfortable clean residents happy. The assessment was written up by LINk.

(3)   Feedback from the recent Planning meeting that JW attended was that  a Planning Brief for Medina House, Hove was requested, to restore the building. A second petition was heard for The Level, in which 70 people were against the moving of the proposed location of the Rose Garden communal area to a shaded area. The Skate Park would be placed where the Rose Garden was going to be.

(4)   VB withdrew her decision to be a representative for Grey Matters Radio. Anyone interested in taking up the position to contact Sharmini.

(5)   A further Palliative Care meeting would take place in September or October as funding for this project had been extended by another 2 years. Members involved in this group are CV, HS and MB.

(6)   People’s Day attracted some attention for the OPC. The event was well organised. The OPC Secretary had also taken part in the debate called “Our City”.

(7)   CV had attended 3 meetings for the LiNK Steering Group. Main topic of discussion was the transition of LINk responsibilities into Healthwatch under the changes to the Social Care Act.

(8)   At the End of Life Stakeholders event, Brighton and Sussex University Health Trust (BSUHT) and other healthcare professionals were discussing how to stream line care for patients, processes for the last stages of life and plan to develop a more systematic approach to ensure people are treated more humanely. A report would be produced.

(9)   There would be a Waste Advisory Group meeting on the 8 September.

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