Agenda item - Mayor's Communications.

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Agenda item

Mayor's Communications.


27.1         The Mayor stated that he wished to welcome Hannah Ward-Penny as the Youth Mayor and her Deputy, Azdean Boulaich to the meeting.  He was looking forward to working with them and to attending various events over the coming months.


27.2         The Mayor stated that he was pleased to announce that the Our Choice Team in Children’s Services, had won the Most Unique Engagement Method Award at the recent CVSF Sector Awards for 2012.  The award was for partnership work with Adventure Unlimited, engaging children in care and other vulnerable young people in fun sporting/confidence building skills as well as giving them a chance to have their voice heard.  It was a young person led participation project and he invited Tina Owens, Senior Youth Worker to come forward to receive the award.


27.3         The Mayor stated that he was also pleased to announce that the Hove Street Sweeping team were joint winners of the Hove Business Partnership – Hove Heroes Award.  This was an award from the local business people to those people who they believed had contributed significantly to the area, economy and community.  He then invited Mike Moon, Head of Operations to accept the award on behalf of the team.


27.4         The Mayor noted that City Clean had also been awarded a 4 Star Clean Britain Award and invited Councillor West to come forward to receive it on their behalf.


27.5         The Mayor stated the he was very pleased to announce that Brighton & Hove has been recognised by the European Commission as an excellent and outstanding City in the field of Urban Transport by awarding the council the  Runner- Up Civitas ’City of The Year’’ prize.  He noted that the winning city was one of the council’s ARCHIMEDES partners San Sebastian.   He stated that it was a great honour for the City, not only as it set Brighton & Hove in the top echelon of the 70 plus European Cities involved in CIVITAS, but also reflected the sheer dedication of Transport Officers and Politicians from the current and previous administration who had worked in local, national and international partnerships to deliver a range of innovative and interesting projects including Electric Vehicle Charging Points, Road Safety and Cycle Infrastructure Improvements, enhancements to Journey On and Talking Bus Stops and better targeted Journey Planning to name but a few.  He then invited Councillor Davey to come forward to receive the award.


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