Agenda item - Budget consultation

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Agenda item

Budget consultation

Website link to the Council’s budget consultation :


85.1The Council were consulting on the next financial year’s budget. The Chair told members how difficult it was to respond to the budget consultation and to prioritise each area.


85.2Councillor Bowden informed members that budget savings for the next financial year were extremely challenging and it was uncertain as to whether there would be a cap on Council Tax increases. There was still no confirmation on how much savings council’s were expected to make. All services were a priority and the administration had challenging choices to make. There would have to be difficult decisions made on how council’s were going to be delivering services in the future, plus protecting jobs, and ensuring there was sufficient capacity to deliver services.


85.3Members noted that the next public meeting on the 22 January would have finance officers presenting the Council’s budget.


85.4It was suggested that it would be useful to know what the implications of the budget savings were going to be. Members were asked to e-mail the Head of Scrutiny with any suggestions of which other officers to invite to the meeting.

Supporting documents:


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