Agenda item - Discussion of the OPC future Work Plan

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Agenda item

Discussion of the OPC future Work Plan

Mike Bojczuk’s presentation


91.1 OPC Secretary Mike Bojczuk outlined the draft presentation for use by OPC Members in promoting the OPC more widely eg potential funders and various organisations in the City. This would be refined based on the comments made here and would be available for all to use; the motto being ‘Powerpoint or Perish.’


91.2 He demonstrated the on-line form at he had designed to raise older audience participation in Age Friendly City and this was welcomed.


91.3 General issues raised:


91.4 The OPC electoral register is incomplete for residents aged between 60 and 70 years; the current canvassing system linked with the issuing of free bus passes was not working well.  Leafletting in libraries, GP surgeries and health centres had already been tried. Mike was happy to help eg help send out bulk e-mails.


91.5 Age UK Brighton & Hove, Pensioner Action, Pensioner Association, would be referred to as Partner Organisations.


91.6 The role of Councillor Geoffrey Bowden for OPC was as Administration Link Councillor and this was welcomed.


91.7 OPC successes to date were mentioned by Members – they had included many active campaigns though these were difficult to evidence. Often based on individual Members’ specific interests these actions had in fact influenced Council and NHS decision-making. From now, OPC have to focus on future aims rather than the past achievements.


91.8 Engagement issues raised:


Better publicity and engagement with older people represented by OPC was needed eg broadcasting successes, more attractive photos and illustrations for the annual report, better presence on the Council’s website and links to OPC website. The Secretary was concerned to involve others in helping developing the OPC website.


91.9 More older residents to be encouraged to attend OPC meetings; with posters sent out the week before the meeting, leaflets, handouts etc. Stress that this is an ‘Open’ meeting. But what more can be done within existing resources. Janet suggested more people from Hove would go to public meetings, were they held not in Jubilee Library but more centrally. Harry said various venues had been tried in the past but attendance had not improved.


91.10 Can encourage people to come to OPC meetings but more likely to be successful engagement by going out to communicate with existing meetings/groups/venues – neighbourhood groups, focus groups etc - as people often aren’t interested in going to this type of formal meeting.


91.12 Presentations could be given at Residents Associations, local societies and activities.


91.13 The growing network of LATs, although not coterminous with OPC constituencies, were ideal for promote older people’s interests;  OPC Members can go and participate in these across the City.


91.15 Key areas for OPC work programme:


(Concentrating on new ways of working actively to represent older people on priority subjects)


a) The Budget and its impact on older people’s services.


b) New system of performance management for Adult Social Care. Potential role for OPC eg visiting/monitoring/ providing feedback.


c) More research needed on critical issues eg the impact of increasing energy prices and fuel poverty on older people.


d) Hangleton Knoll Project, a good model for use elsewhere in the City, could be invited to speak to OPC .


e) Who can look at the new census data, to analyse information on older people? Are there volunteers for this?


f) Students from Sussex University could possibly help with research – provide brainpower/ computer power and inspire enthusiasm eg in Uni lecturers, researchers on OP issues.


g) Free pass for telephone conferencing was useful initiative if an OPC member had one hour per week to work on this. Members were asked to volunteer.


h) Francis  Tonks suggested Road Safety for the OPC work programme.


i) Peter Terry suggested Police Commissioner as an agenda item. Allow more time before invitation to OPC.


j) Fit as a Fiddle exercise DVD can be distributed to sheltered housing schemes.


k) Kat Pearce suggested closer partnership working by OPC deciding on an issue-based or activity-based approach and then identifying priority ‘niches’ for the partner organisations. 


l) Sue Howley asked how the OPC work plan would map on to the AFC headings.


m) Agreed that the Joint Public meeting would be held on the 18 June OPC date and Members were asked to start suggesting suitable potential topics. (ACTION –Scrutiny, all)

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