Agenda item - Minutes
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Agenda item
To consider (a) the minutes of the last meeting held on 22 January 2013 and (b) matters arising from the minutes (copy attached).
The minutes of 22 January 2013 were agreed.
Matters arising:
Does the OPC get any oversight of the continuity of care proposals? Colin Vincent will raise it at the Adult Care & Health Committee.
The CVSF represent all community and voluntary groups including older people’s groups, have they been invited to speak to the OPC? The Secretary said that they had been invited to attend Age Friendly City steering group meetings. It was agreed to invite CVSF to a meeting, once their reorganisation had bedded in.
Update on filming- it had not been possible to contact any of the filmers to date but the Secretary has an email contact address so will try and make contact that way.
Is there going to be a report on sports facilities etc for the over 60s, it was mentioned that this would come to the Economic Development and Culture committee? Cllr Bowden said that the Culture Strategy was being refreshed, and the OPC would be used as a consultee, particularly in the context of Age Friendly Cities.
Roles on other committees- the OPC would like an official voice on the Planning Committee. Cllr Bowden offered to take this up on the OPC’s behalf.
Peter Terry was the OPC’s representative on transport matters so it would be useful to find a replacement who had an interest in this.
Supporting documents: