Agenda item - Members' Round Up
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Agenda item
Members' Round Up
Francis Tonks- has been attending a number of training events on behalf of LINk.
For People’s Day (June
15) the OPC and other pensioner groups have been offered a room at
the Brighthelm Centre for free, which
is welcomed. However it would still be best to have a street stall
too to gain more attention.
Mike Bojczuk – the website has been updated following comments at the last meeting; attended the Age Friendly City Steering Group (see later); has made contact with people who organised last year’s Active Aging event and got some free resources for OPC including T-shirts.
Marion Coulderey – still working on the Helpdesk at Age UK for one day per week, the biggest worry for people is the change in benefits. (Cllr Bowden said that he had a briefing paper on Universal Credits and would circulate it to OPC members)
Val Brown – has had a query about installing a loading bay parking space outside Walter May House, the council has said that there is no funding for road markings. Cllr Bowden said that he would take it up with the Chair of the Transport Committee on the OPC’s behalf
Sue Howley, Pensioner Action- the PCT’s funding ends in June, Pensioner Action has asked for funding from the CCG but not heard back. The main asset is the Pensioner Magazine, they are aiming to make it self-financing. Age UK has already agreed to submit regular copy. (Cllr Bowden asked whether Public Health could be approached to help support the magazine, if it were used to promote the public health messages?)
Penny Morley – Active Aging is still ongoing, the council’s final budget has not been approved but would like to see more provision for over 60s.
Colin Vincent – Attended the CVSF budget presentation and a number of other meetings. Has been invited to sit on the City Account Steering Group.
Janet Wakeling- Updated the OPC on a number of planning applications which may be of concern to the OPC.
Jack Hazelgrove- The Brighton Festival will have a Speakers Corner slot; the OPC has volunteered to speak for 20 minutes, who would like to speak? Francis Tonks and Mike Bojczuk agreed to speak. This will be discussed again next time.
Would like someone to take over the OPC slot in the Pensioner Magazine, including updating people about public OPC meetings. Mike said that he would take it on.