Agenda item - Ernst & Young: 2013/14 Audit Fee Letter

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Agenda item

Ernst & Young: 2013/14 Audit Fee Letter

Report of the External Auditors: Ernst & Young (copy attached).


92.1         The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Finance & Resources in relation to the Ernst & Young: 2013/14 Audit Fee Letter. The report outlined the audit work the external auditors proposed to undertake for the 2013/14 financial year at the Council. The fee reflected the risk-based approach to audit planning set out in the Code of Audit Practice and the work mandated by the Audit Commission for 2013/14. The fee had been set by the Audit Commission as part of the recent 5 year procurement exercise and consequently was not liable to increase in that period without a change in scope.


92.2         RESOLVED – That the Committee note the 2013/14 audit fee letter.

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