Agenda item - OPC Work Programme and Update
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Agenda item
OPC Work Programme and Update
9.1 Kat Pearce reported that this was her last visit to OPC as interim CEO. Age UK Brighton & Hove had appointed Jessica Summer to the permanent CEO post. From the end of April there would be a larger management team of 4 people. A project launch was being planned.
9.2 On behalf of OPC the Chair thanked Kat for her work and involvement with OPC.
9.3 Age Friendly Cities would be the subject of debate led by Mike Bojczuk and Isla Robertson of Pensioner Association 11 May at 1pm, as part of the Speakers Corner project at Brighton Festival. Mike Bojczuk had been interviewed on Age Friendly Cities for Grey Matters radio.
9.4 Francis Tonks attended the transition of the Link to Healthwatch. He and Colin Vincent would be attending the all-day Adult Social Care City Summit on 11 June, on the future of Social Care. Following weekend demonstrations in the City at the weekend, Francis Tonks would be making a comment at the Community Safety Forum.
9.5 Colin Vincent would be attending the 11 June event and will be replying to the consultation on taxi licensing and disabled people.
9.6 Janet Wakeling noted proposals to remove disabled parking bays outside the eye hospital.
9.7 Val Brown was on the Keep User Group and would link with OPC on developments.
9.8 Penny Morley is attending Pensioner Action meetings on Age Friendly Cities.
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