Agenda item - Chair's Communications

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Agenda item

Chair's Communications


189.1    There had been a minor typographical in the minutes from the meeting held on 13 March 2013 in relation to Application D: Land rear of 140-146 Springfield Road, Brighton. Paragraph (17) stated that ‘planning permission was refused’ and this should read ‘planning permission was granted’. This error had been amended on the published minutes on the Council’s website, and a corrected hardcopy had also been produced for the Chair to sign.


189.2    It was reported that the Council’s Food Growing & Development Planning Advice Note had been shortlisted for two awards for innovation: the National Royal Town Planning Awards and a South East Centre for the Built Environment ‘Construction Excellence’ award. This Planning Advice Note was published summer 2011 aiming to inspire and encourage developers to integrate food growing into any landscaping plans, substituting non productive plants with productive, edible plants. It is the first of its kind nationally and has received a very positive response from developers and planning applicants. Despite the absence of any additional requirements on developers, there has been a sharp rise in proposals for food growing from 1% to 38% of residential applications since the introduction of the PAN.


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